Songs with professional themes are popular. They express the specifics of work and respect for the owner of a specific position. There are some of the most famous songs that mention professions.

This song is over 20 years old, but it continues to play at parties. The authorship belongs to Alena Apina, who at that time was a soloist in the group "Combination". The text came to her mind by accident. The theme of the "little man" of that era was perceived by composers biasedly. For a long time they did not want to include the track in the record of the disc, since it looked more like a chanson than the work of the ABBA group, which the producers were striving for. But the people fell in love with this song immediately and unconditionally.
Songs that mention professions are always bright and unusual. Valery Meladze and his work are perceived in Russia as pop classics. Valery and his brother Konstantin gave people many songs, saturated with feelings and passion. This is especially true of the "Actress". The song reflects the idleness and lies associated with this creative profession.
My friend is an artist and poet
This song, which talks about the professions associated with creativity, is considered one of the most beautiful. It is performed by the group "Resurrection", known for its philosophical texts. The song talks about an allegory of love painted on a window pane. The aesthetics of image and performance made her a favorite song of bards and lyricists.
Song about doctors
The song was written by Vladimir Vysotsky. Being a master of sharp and bright words, he composed a poem that reflects all the nuances of the work of doctors. The pros and cons of this profession are clearly visible between the lines.
Irina Allegrova performs hits that reflect the longing and passion of women. The song about a junior lieutenant tells the story of a dance evening where the young man attracts everyone's attention. This song, which mentions the profession of a policeman and a military man, pays tribute to the strength of youth.
This song, dedicated to railway workers, is performed by Viktor Korolev. The mixture of irony and respect for this profession made this composition one of the most famous in the 90s.
Song of Correspondents
This anthem of journalists was composed by Eldar Ryazanov. He glorifies the professions associated with correspondence and television. The composition tells about their hard work associated with finding out information by any means.
Garik Sukachev, with his characteristic free manner of performance, created an ode for plumbers. This work is one of the most widespread in Russia, so the song dedicated to pipeline specialists is a success.