Where Is The Highest Population Density In Russia?

Where Is The Highest Population Density In Russia?
Where Is The Highest Population Density In Russia?

Such a socio-economic indicator as population density is taken into account in state planning. At present, population density is the result of the development of production forces and the concentration of certain types of production, although initially it was determined, rather, by the degree of favorable natural conditions for living.

Where is the highest population density in Russia?
Where is the highest population density in Russia?

What is population density

The population density is measured in the number of people permanently residing in one square kilometer of the territory determined by the administrative boundaries - a city, region, region. When determining this indicator, taken into account in economic and social planning, the total area of the territory, as a rule, does not take into account the area of regions unsuitable for habitation and the area occupied by water bodies. In general, population density is a characteristic of how developed production is in a given region.

Therefore, for large cities and industrialized regions, this indicator is traditionally high. In addition, it is counted separately for urbanized areas and those in which the rural population lives. As a rule, when it comes to a region, the population density in it is defined as the average value of the population levels of its different regions, weighted by the size of the area they occupy. The population density is calculated in the course of the conducted censuses.

Population density in Russia

According to the latest census, the average value of this indicator for the territory of Russia is 8, 4 people per square kilometer. Moreover, the entire territory of the country can be conditionally divided into two zones: European and Asian. The population density in the European part averages 29 people / sq. Km, and, for example, in Siberia, which belongs to the Asian part, it is 2.5 people / sq. Km. The main reasons for this uneven settlement are geographic and historical factors. The European part has more favorable living conditions, and it was settled much earlier. Large cities with a population of over a million are all located in the European part of the country.

If we use the latest statistics, the top three leaders in terms of population density include the territories of the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. The population density in them is 4822, 09, 3668, 29 and 444, 34 people per sq. Km, respectively. In the case when it comes to regions, the highest population density is in the Moscow region, the Republics of Ingushetia and North Ossetia - Alania, it is 160, 74, 124, 86 and 88, 14 people per sq. Km, respectively. The list of Russian regions is closed by Kamchatka, Yakutia, Magadan region, Nenets and Chukotka districts. In these territories, the population density is 0, 69, 0, 33, 0, 31, 0, 24 and 0, 07 people per sq. Km.
