Are Unemployment Benefits Paid Now And In What Amount?

Are Unemployment Benefits Paid Now And In What Amount?
Are Unemployment Benefits Paid Now And In What Amount?

Loss of a job or difficulty finding a job can be extremely stressful. The state is obliged to help the unemployed citizen go through difficult times. Promotion of employment and the payment of unemployment benefits are the main attributes of government assistance. It is important to know where and with what documents to apply.

Are unemployment benefits paid now and how much
Are unemployment benefits paid now and how much

Rules for recognizing a citizen as unemployed

In Russia, a public service in the form of unemployment benefits is provided in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation".

To obtain a registration certificate for an unemployed person and receive monthly unemployment benefits, you must contact the employment services at the place of your registration.

You must have the following documents with you: passport of a citizen, work book, certificate of average salary for the last three months before dismissal (not to be confused with certificate 2-NDFL), pension certificate, TIN and savings book or an extract with the details of your bank account, where the money will be transferred.

Employment service specialists will make copies of documents, ask you about your wishes related to your future job, and offer a list of vacancies.

You will have three days to visit each potential employer. The employer will either invite you to work, or make an appropriate refusal note on the list that was given to you. You yourself can refuse the offered job no more than 3 times. If something does not suit you, do not hesitate and ask the employer to meet you halfway and refuse you himself.

You will be given 10 days to find a suitable job and bypass all the proposed employers. If after this time you still do not find a job, the employment service will recognize you as an unemployed citizen and will set the date and amount of unemployment benefits.

A citizen who carries out individual entrepreneurial activity, is employed in temporary (seasonal) work or has hidden income cannot be recognized as unemployed. Be honest with the specialists of the employment service, all information about you is carefully checked.

Unemployment benefit amount

After the decision to recognize you as an unemployed citizen, you will have to appear at the employment center strictly on the appointed day every 10-20 days. The job search procedure will be repeated. And you will receive the allowance 2-3 days after each visit for the period from the last date of the meeting to the present one.

The amount of the benefit depends on how many years you worked in your last job and what your salary was.

If you worked at your last job for at least 3 years, and the salary was kept at the level of 20-25 thousand or more, you will be set the maximum amount of unemployment benefits - 4900 rubles per month plus the regional coefficient.

For students after graduation and other people looking for work for the first time, as well as if the term at the previous place of work is less than a year, the amount of the allowance will be 850 rubles plus the regional coefficient.

The payment of unemployment benefits is terminated in cases where an employment record is entered in the work book, you enrolled in advanced training courses or entered an educational institution, and also if you did not visit the employment center on the appointed days for more than three months.

The Employment Center may also offer you to take retraining or advanced training courses. If you agree, the unemployment benefit is replaced with a scholarship. The amount of the scholarship depends on the specific courses, but in most cases it is much less than the grant.

At the end of the course, you say goodbye to the employment center and look for a job on your own for 4 months. Then you can again apply for unemployment benefits if the employment failed.

It is important to remember that all changes concerning your personal life (illness, moving, going to work, etc.) and affecting the visit to the employment center on the appointed day, you must inform your personal specialist no later than two days before the appointed date of visit. You will be assigned a different date, convenient for you.

Forced absenteeism must be documented (sick leave, etc.) at a subsequent visit.