What Is The Series "Slave Izaura" About

What Is The Series "Slave Izaura" About
What Is The Series "Slave Izaura" About

Latin American TV series have been quite popular for many years now. One of the classic representatives of this genre is the legendary Brazilian TV series called "Slave Izaura".

Heroes of the series Slave Izaura
Heroes of the series Slave Izaura

This novel saw the world in 1976. The series was filmed by the Brazilian television company Globo. The main character of the series was played by Lucelia Santos, who was then still an aspiring young actress. The script for the film series was written by a famous author in Brazil - Gilberto Braga. Brazilian stars such as Atila Yoriu, Norma Bloom and Rubens di Falco also took part in the filming of the television project. The latter played the main villain of the novel - Leoncio.

"Slave Izaura" is the first soap opera that was seen by TV viewers of the Soviet Union back in 1988.

The plot of the series is based on the popular literary novel of the same name, published in Brazil in the middle of the nineteenth century. The main character of the series is a young slave girl. She belongs to the family of a wealthy planter. The owner's wife treats the girl well, even gave her an education and taught her secular manners. Izaura's behavior is in no way inferior to that of any rich girl, but by status she is still a slave. The main character's father is trying to collect the money needed for the ransom.

The intrigue of the novel

The son of the owner of the house Leoncio pesters an attractive girl. He is married, but in such circles, an affair with a slave is not considered something terrible, so the presence of a wife does not stop him at all. After the death of his father, Leoncio becomes the owner of the entire fortune. This negatively affects the fate of Izaura, as Leoncio strongly rejects the idea of giving her freedom.

During one of the walks, the main character of the series meets a young man named Tobias. They begin a romantic relationship. However, there was one problem - Tobias did not know that his beloved was actually a slave. Later, he nevertheless revealed Izaura's secret and decided to redeem her.

Master's cruel revenge

Leoncio refused to sell his slave girl out of jealousy, but decided to find out where the beloved met, and then, in anger, set fire to the meeting house. He thought that he had killed Tobias and Izaura, but together with Tobias, Leoncio's wife, who wanted to help the lovers, died in the fire.

Due to the fact that Izaura did not succumb to the harassment of Leoncio, he sent her to the hardest work for the slaves. Unable to withstand the hellish conditions, the girl escapes from the ranch with her father. They flee to another city, where they begin to lead a secluded life under false names.

For the convenience of viewing, the telenovela, originally consisting of 100 episodes, was reduced in the USSR to 15 episodes, forty minutes long.

Happy ending

In the new city, the girl and her father were met by a wealthy young man, Alvaro, who fell in love with Izaura. When Leoncio found and took the fugitive slave back by force, Alvaro bought all his property and became the master of Izaura. Later, together they gave freedom to all the slaves, and the unfortunate Leoncio, deciding to commit suicide, shot himself.
