What Were The Prices In The USSR For Basic Foodstuffs

What Were The Prices In The USSR For Basic Foodstuffs
What Were The Prices In The USSR For Basic Foodstuffs

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), of which Russia became the legal successor, disintegrated in December 1991. From a historical point of view, this is a very short time. Many people, not only older and middle-aged people, but also very young people who were born in independent Russia, are sure that then the people lived better. Like, there were significant drawbacks, of course, but there were also many good things. For example, food was very cheap. What was the reality?

What were the prices in the USSR for basic foodstuffs
What were the prices in the USSR for basic foodstuffs

How much did basic food products cost in the USSR?

A loaf of white bread (depending on the type and weight) in the USSR cost from 13 to 25 kopecks. A loaf of black bread, respectively, from 16 to 18 kopecks. A kilogram of first grade beef in state stores could be bought for 1 ruble 60 kopecks, and second grade (with bones) - for 1 ruble 40 kopecks. The same meat in cooperative stores or in markets cost more - 2 rubles 90 kopecks per kilogram. Pork in state stores was sold at a price of 1 ruble 80 kopecks, and in cooperative and markets its price reached 3 rubles 50 kopecks.

However, it was not always possible to buy meat in state stores. In many regions of the USSR, there was a persistent shortage of this food product.

Boiled sausages of the most common varieties, which were mainly found on sale, "Doktorskaya" and "Lyubitelskaya" cost, respectively, 2 rubles 20 kopecks and 3 rubles 20 kopecks per kilogram. Ham, if it was found on the shelves of state stores, could be purchased at a price of 3 rubles 50 kopecks per kilogram.

It should be noted that at that time sausages and ham were produced in strict accordance with GOSTs and contained exclusively high quality natural ingredients.

A liter of milk cost an average of 40 kopecks, a kilogram pack of dumplings - 1 ruble 60 kopecks, and a kilogram of granulated sugar - 90 kopecks. A 3-kilogram bag of potatoes in a store could be bought for 33 kopecks.

At what price were non-core products sold

Almost all segments of the population, even the poor, had access to not only basic food products, but also all kinds of delicacies. The cheapest (but very tasty and high quality) berry ice cream cost 7 kopecks per serving. Briquette "Plombir" cost from 13 to 20 kopecks. Various pies, buns, cakes could be purchased at a price of 6 to 22 kopecks apiece.

A very popular product in the USSR - vodka was sold at a price of 3 rubles 62 kopecks to 4 rubles 12 kopecks for a 0.5 liter bottle. And in the summer heat, you could quench your thirst with a glass of draft kvass for 3 kopecks or a carbonated drink with syrup from a street vending machine for the same price. The same machine could dispense a portion of just sparkling water, that is, without syrup for only 1 kopeck. There was not an abundance of goods on sale that can be found today, but people could do without them.
