Why Have The Prices For Alcohol Been Raised?

Why Have The Prices For Alcohol Been Raised?
Why Have The Prices For Alcohol Been Raised?

Since July 1, 2012, the minimum price for a bottle of vodka has increased in Russia: 0.5 liters now cost 125 rubles, and a bottle - at least 98 rubles. The growth in value was about 30%.

Why have the prices for alcohol been raised?
Why have the prices for alcohol been raised?

The prices for alcoholic beverages increased due to an increase from July 1, 2012 of excise taxes on alcohol-containing products by 15%. The purchase price for alcohol for alcohol producers increased from 280 to 350 rubles. per decaliter (10 liters).

The minimum retail price for products made from wine distillates, such as brandy, rose to 190 rubles. for 0.5 liters, and for cognac - up to 219 rubles. In fact, prices are set based on the ethyl alcohol content of the drink.

Natural spirits of 4-7% strength, such as cider and mead, were equated with vodka, wine and beer. Therefore, retail chains from July 1 can no longer purchase mead and cider from producers without a license. Thus, these drinks are likely to disappear from the market.

According to officials, the measures taken should help reduce the availability of alcohol and become a way to combat alcoholism. On the other hand, this should increase budget revenues. It is planned that the increase in excise taxes on alcohol will continue in 2013, and in 2014, and in 2015. As a result, the price of half a liter of vodka will reach 300 rubles, or even more.

Part of the population approves of the law and expresses the hope that the number of drinkers will still decrease. Critics predict an increase in the consumption of low-quality alcohol and surrogates as the shortcomings of the updated law, which is fraught with poisoning and disease. They believe that alcoholics will not give up their addiction, but will simply cut other items of expenditure, while producers will benefit the most from the high prices.

According to their forecasts, quality alcohol will be available to fewer and fewer Russians, and the share of illegal alcohol will grow. Healthy lifestyle promoters say it’s time to give up alcohol altogether, as it’s illogical to pay a lot of money for something that is harmful.
