What Does The Technical Fire Regulations Include?

What Does The Technical Fire Regulations Include?
What Does The Technical Fire Regulations Include?

Table of contents:


The main provisions of technical regulation in the field of fire safety and the general principles of its provision are regulated by the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ. It is in accordance with it that the life and property of citizens, legal entities, as well as state and municipal property are protected from fires.

What does the technical fire regulations include?
What does the technical fire regulations include?


Step 1

The Technical Fire Regulations describe the general principles of ensuring fire safety, establish a classification system and terminology. In addition, it also spelled out specific norms for the design, construction and operation of settlements, urban districts, buildings, structures, structures, as well as requirements for production facilities, equipment and general products.

Step 2

The document explains concepts such as emergency exit, safe area, explosion, explosive mixture, explosion and fire hazard of the protected object, combustible medium, permissible risk, ignition source, class of constructive fire hazard, required evacuation time, object of protection, etc. etc. - 50 terms in total. Accurate terminology eliminates any ambiguity when interpreting lines in a document.

Step 3

The articles of the regulation establish the legal basis for technical regulation in the field of fire safety, the rules for its provision for various buildings. Classifications of fires and fire hazards of substances and materials, technological environments, fire hazardous and explosive zones, etc. are given.

Step 4

The described document provides a classification of building structures for fire hazard, establishes a classification of barriers that prevent the spread of fire, a fire-technical classification of stairs and staircases, equipment and means for extinguishing fires, fire automatics, personal protective equipment and rescuing people.

Step 5

The regulation specifically describes how fire safety standards must be observed in the construction and operation of buildings. The following topics are considered: placement of fire and explosion hazardous objects in the territories of settlements and urban districts; passages, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and structures; fire-fighting water supply of settlements and urban districts; requirements for the distances between buildings, structures and structures, etc.

Step 6

Having carefully read the document in question, you can see that it covers almost all the possible nuances of ensuring fire safety. This means that in the regulations you can find the answer to any question related to this topic.