The wedding of two loving people in a church is a rather serious step that requires a responsible approach. At all times, this event was accompanied by all sorts of traditions and signs. They are still relevant today.

Signs and superstitions before the wedding
Before the wedding in the church, under the threshold of the house in which the young people live, you need to put an open lock, after which both of them need to step over it. Then the lock is locked with a key, which is then thrown away forever. A closed lock should be kept in the home as a symbol of strong relationships between young people.
It is believed that before the wedding process, parents of young people should bless their children for a long and happy family life. The fact is that the parental blessing from ancient times had and still has great power. This is one of the most important signs before a church wedding.
Before the wedding process, young people are advised to stick a pin in their clothes - this will protect them from the evil eye of bad people. A woman must get to church for a wedding by one way, and leave the church by another.
It is necessary to ensure that no one dares to cross the road for the young, heading to the church for the wedding. In addition, an oath of fidelity made by the bride and groom over the well will help strengthen relationships and make the marriage indestructible. If a woman sits down at the church gate, all her sorrows and hardships will be left behind.
Signs and superstitions during the wedding
Snow falling during the wedding is considered a good omen. This promises young people happiness. If the wedding process is accompanied by a shower, the family should be stronger and richer. During the wedding, you cannot look each other in the eyes, otherwise you can lose confidence. You can't even look back - you can get a divorce.
During the wedding process, no one should pass between the young. Otherwise, their marriage will be doomed to an early collapse. You need to understand that evil people can deliberately try to do this. To prevent this incident from happening, you can ask your friends to follow the guests.
The crown (or wedding crown) must be worn on the head of both the groom and the bride. Otherwise, marriage before the Lord is considered invalid. Moreover, it will be a bad omen: in this family, someone will soon become a widow. By the way, for whom of the young the church candle burns out during the wedding ceremony, that person will live longer. Crackling of candles during a wedding - to a troubled life.
It is believed that a long and happy life is provided for the young if the candles are blown out at the same time. You can not get married with any diseases: it is believed that they will no longer be cured. During the wedding, a scarf or cloth is laid under the feet of the young: the one of the young who stands on it first will be the head of the family.