Often, when buying goods on the market, consumers do not ask the seller for a check. And when the purchased item turns out to be of poor quality, people say goodbye to the money spent in advance. And completely in vain. You can return the item to the seller. If you bought a poor-quality product, the seller is obliged to replace it, eliminate the defects, or pay for repairs, or return the money. But what if the seller refuses to help you, and you don't have a purchase receipt?
It is necessary
Product packaging, product label, invoices and documentation of the seller, witnesses
Step 1
Prove that you bought the item in this store, tent, outlet. This is not easy to do, since the seller may refuse to sell. Bring witnesses to help, people who were with you at the time of the purchase of the product.
Step 2
Take a close look at the packaging of the goods, since you can prove that it was purchased at this particular outlet with the help of packaging. There may be seller marks on it. The packaging can also be branded, it can contain the seller's data.
Step 3
Ask for the documentation of the point of sale. In it, as a rule, data about your product should be recorded: article, serial number of the product.
Step 4
Carefully study the product tag or sales receipt, if you have it. The name of the company or individual entrepreneur may be indicated there.
Step 5
Make a written complaint in duplicate if the seller is still unlocking or being rude. Keep your message short and clear. Be strict about your requirements.
Refuse the begging tone, because you want to achieve justice. Give one copy of the claim to the seller, and take the other for yourself. On it, the seller must put a mark on receipt of the claim, sign or stamp.
If the seller refuses to accept the claim, contact the administration of the shopping center or market. And your question will not be ignored.
Step 6
Don't panic if the entrepreneur accuses you of damaging things. You can prove that the item was already defective at the time of purchase.
Remember that you can ask for an examination. You also have the right to be present at its holding so that your interests are not violated. To do this, in a written claim, ask to inform about the time, date and place of the examination.
If the examination confirms that it was you who spoiled the goods, then you, and not the seller, will have to pay for the expert's services. But if the examination reveals a defect, then demand that the seller replace the goods, or reduce the price of the product, or return the money, or reimburse the repair costs.