Recently, the media have begun to issue more and more reports on the activities of Russian intelligence units. Therefore, for many teenagers, the dream of exploration seems to be a professional field.
The intelligence system of the Russian Federation includes a complex of services, bodies and subdivisions of various departments of the executive branch of government that collect and use useful information about the current state and developing potential of foreign countries in all areas of activity.

Step 1
The intelligence system of the Russian Federation includes a complex of services, bodies and subdivisions of various departments of the executive branch of government that collect and use useful information about the current state and developing potential of foreign countries in all areas of activity.
Step 2
The deepest interest is shown in the military-industrial complex, political and economic trends and scientific and technological development. Therefore, in order to choose your path, more specifically define your own inclinations to a particular type of activity in order to understand the chosen area at an impeccable level. Deeply study a couple of foreign languages in order to master them at least at a conversational level. Please note that the most popular ones at the moment are English, Chinese and Arabic.
Step 3
The human endurance of an intelligence candidate greatly outweighs physical strength, so engage in sports that are primarily aimed at developing the inner spirit. Give your preference to Japanese martial arts, where in the learning process, along with dexterity and skill, half of the lessons are devoted to mental self-improvement.
Step 4
The course of a young soldier is to acquire and develop abilities, skills and abilities that help a future employee to feel normal in any situation, even extreme, while making balanced decisions on the implementation of the assigned operational and service tasks. As an applicant for such a responsible position, prepare yourself to undergo a complicated course that includes increased physical, intellectual and psychological stress every day for a long time.
Step 5
A person who is aware of the fact that for a long period of time will mostly be in openly hostile conditions, under which the likelihood of outside assistance, practically disappears, can serve in intelligence. Therefore, get used to thinking for yourself, carefully weigh each step, calculating the likely consequences.