Opinion Poll: How To Conduct It Correctly

Opinion Poll: How To Conduct It Correctly
Opinion Poll: How To Conduct It Correctly

Table of contents:


Conducting a sociological survey is actually much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. It is not enough just to walk down the street with paper and pen and ask passers-by to give you answers to any question. To get really reliable data, you need to approach the process responsibly and take into account a lot of little things.

Opinion poll: how to conduct it correctly
Opinion poll: how to conduct it correctly

It is necessary

paper, pen, sheets of the questionnaire


Step 1

First of all, formulate the problem that your survey is about. After all, you are going to interview people on a topic, therefore, this topic needs to be clearly identified. For example, the construction of a large garage cooperative is planned in the courtyard of your house, and you are against this event. In this case, the survey must be designed in such a way that it is clear to all respondents what is being discussed and what problem you are going to solve. Dedicate one sheet of paper to one question, without mixing or confusing people. For example, it will be much easier for the respondents to answer the question "Your attitude to building a garage in the yard" than to fill out a complex form with a number of questions that are not related to the essence of the matter.

Step 2

Remember that it is important not only to collect survey data, but also to process it accordingly. That is why try to simplify your task and make the questionnaire as concise and simple as possible. People are best at answering questions when they are presented with options. For example, offer the following questionnaire: "Your attitude to the construction of a garage in the yard" and answer options: "I am against", "I am for", "I don't care." Such questionnaires are easier to process and there is no confusion with the distribution of answers.

Step 3

The choice of the respondents is important. If your opinion poll directly concerns only a small part of the house, and does not arouse the interest of the rest, it is necessary to interview the most interested. For example, families with small children will be interested in the construction of a playground, but a major garage in the yard is a common problem. If it is possible to bypass all the inhabitants of the house, of course, you can do this too. But when collecting opinions, you should definitely ask people additional questions in order to understand how much the problem concerns them directly.
