How It All Began In 1812

How It All Began In 1812
How It All Began In 1812

By the beginning of the 19th century, a difficult political situation had developed in Europe. It was associated both with the disagreements between England and France, and with Napoleon's tense relations with Russia. 050812-1 050812-1

Preconditions for the war

1803-1805 became the time of the Napoleonic wars, in which many European countries were involved. Russia did not stand aside either. Anti-Napoleonic coalitions are being created as part of Russia, England, Sweden, and the Kingdom of Naples.

Napoleon slowly but surely spread his aggression in Europe and by 1810 had already openly declared his desire for world domination. At the same time, the French emperor called his main enemy Alexander I, who was at that time on the Russian throne.

In the last years before the Patriotic War of 1812, Napoleon, preparing for hostilities, tried to find allies. He makes attempts to create an anti-Russian coalition, for this he concludes secret treaties with Austria and Prussia. In addition, the Emperor of France is trying to win over Sweden and Turkey, but to no avail. Russia signed a secret treaty with Sweden on the eve of the war and signed a peace treaty with Turkey.

The negative attitude towards Russia on the part of France was also influenced by the fact that Napoleon, wishing to confirm his legitimacy, was looking for a bride from the royal family. The choice fell on Russia. However, Alexander received a polite refusal.

The beginning of the war

In June 1812 in St. Petersburg, the French ambassador handed a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the severance of diplomatic relations. The war became inevitable.

At dawn on June 12, 1812, the French army crossed the Neman River. For the offensive, Emperor Napoleon chose the Moscow direction. He explained this by the fact that by taking Moscow, he would take possession of the heart of Russia. Alexander I at this time was in Vilna. The Russian emperor sent Adjutant General A. Balashov to the French emperor for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. However, Napoleon suggested that he immediately show the way to Moscow. To this Balashov retorted: "Karl 12 went through Poltava."

Thus, two powerful powers clashed. Russia had an army half the size of the French. It was divided into 3 large parts. The commander-in-chief was Mikhail Kutuzov. His role in the victory was paramount.

The Napoleonic army consisted of 600 thousand soldiers who had been hardened by 1812 in battles, as well as wise commanders, among whom the emperor himself stood out. However, the Russians had one indisputable advantage - patriotism, which eventually helped to win the war, which was called the Patriotic War.