How To Write A Petition To The Administration

How To Write A Petition To The Administration
How To Write A Petition To The Administration

Table of contents:


You are an adult and educated person, accustomed to achieve everything in life on your own. But an event occurs that is beyond your capabilities, and you understand that to solve the problem, you need to connect administrative resources. Contacting the administration begins with a petition.

How to write a petition to the administration
How to write a petition to the administration

It is necessary

A4 blank white paper, ballpoint pen with blue ink


Step 1

First of all, it is necessary to correctly draw up the so-called "header" of the appeal - in the upper right corner, in neat handwriting, write to whom the petition is addressed, who exactly applied. Here, in a cap under your surname, it is advisable to indicate at what address the applicant lives and the contact phone number, for example: the head of the Kondinsky District MO, S. P. Ivanovugrazhdanin S. I. ** ***

Step 2

Having stepped back three lines below the "heading" of the appeal, write in the middle of the sheet "Petition", retreat one line and from a new paragraph go directly to the text. At the very beginning, you must describe the reason for your appeal to the leadership of the municipality, for example: "I am appealing to you in connection with the current difficult life situation. …" Next, you must indicate in full the reason for the appeal. There are no strict rules for writing the text of the application, so the main conditions are to avoid gross spelling errors, to describe your problem clearly and consistently. reflecting the main essence of the appeal.

Step 3

After the main content of the letter follows the conclusion: "Based on the above, I ask you …" - in which we write a specific request. Or it is allowed to write in a template form: "Based on the above, I ask you to take appropriate measures."

Step 4

We put the date and signature at the bottom. When writing a collective petition, all signatures are put one under the other. It is advisable to decipher the signature - next to it in legible handwriting write the surname and initials of the applicant.
