Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Alexander Evseevich Khinshtein: Biography, Career And Personal Life

One of the features of a democratic society is that a representative of any professional group can become a politician. The events of the last thirty years convincingly confirm this thesis. Often, journalists are elected to the State Duma who reveal topical issues to the audience. The life story of Alexander Khinshtein is a good example.

Alexander Khinshtein
Alexander Khinshtein

Journalistic path

According to some experts, it is important for a journalist to have an analytical mindset. A person who wrote essays at school without mistakes can successfully work in any edition. Stylistics of presentation, imagery and metaphoricality come with practice. In 1991, Alexander Khinshtein received a certificate of maturity and came to the editorial office of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The youth publication welcomed courageous people and offered him a probationary period. Alexander received a certificate of a freelance employee and a table in one of the common offices.

Alexander's biography can be called standard. The child was born on October 26, 1974 in a family of Moscow engineers. The boy grew and developed like all his peers. I studied well at school. He went in for sports and social work. I read a lot and even tried to write something. It was this hobby that prompted me to try my hand at journalism. In 1992 he was officially enrolled in the editorial staff of "MK" and Khinshtein began to receive not only royalties, but also a salary.

Today there is every reason to assert that Alexander Khinshtein's career as a journalist was developing favorably. He watched how the elite of the new formation lived and did not miss an opportunity to reveal various kinds of fraud. In the mid-90s, a large-scale privatization of state property was carried out, and various violations could be discerned with the naked eye. The young journalist published several articles in which he showed how the oligarch Boris Berezovsky acts.

On the political wave

In 1996, Khinshtein entered the famous journalism faculty of Moscow State University to receive a specialized education. It is important to note that Alexander not only published materials on the pages of MK and other newspapers, but also hosted programs on television. Work in several directions has brought the corresponding effect. In 2003, Khinshtein was elected to the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency. As part of his deputy activities, he has to deal with the widest range of problems that have accumulated in society.

With the maximum workload of deputy affairs, Alexander Khinshtein does not forget about his main craft. While his materials do not appear in periodicals so often, new books are published with enviable regularity. Love for the word and sharp plots does not leave the writer in the most difficult days. Information for novels and essays is drawn from current events. Each book evokes a lively response from readers and not always approving. But this is what the author intended.

If Khinstein's professional career is developing successfully, then in his personal life the situation was unimportant for a long time. Alexander officially married twice. In the first, it all ended quickly and did not entail any consequences. In 2013, the deputy and writer met Polina Polyakova. A year later they had a son. And three more years later, the next heir. Husband and wife live under one roof in peace and harmony. For Khinstein, the family is a fortress, where he accumulates strength for future fights.