Why Valeria Novodvorskaya Died

Why Valeria Novodvorskaya Died
Why Valeria Novodvorskaya Died

Valeria Novodvorskaya died on July 12, 2014 in a Moscow hospital. The death of the controversial human rights activist and dissident came from a wound on her leg.

Why Valeria Novodvorskaya died
Why Valeria Novodvorskaya died

Causes of death of Valeria Novodvorskaya

On the eve of her death, Valeria Novodvorskaya was hospitalized at City Clinical Hospital No. 13 in Moscow. She was admitted to the intensive care unit of the purulent surgery department with severe pain in her left leg and high fever. Doctors discovered a wound on Novodvorskaya's foot, which was severely inflamed.

Later, doctors diagnosed her with phlegmon of the left foot. This is an acute purulent inflammation of adipose tissue, which does not have clear outlines and quickly spreads to adjacent tissues. This inflammation affects the muscles almost instantly. Subsequently, it turned out that the human rights activist had a number of chronic diseases, which led to a complication.

An emergency operation was performed on Novodvorskaya, but it was not possible to save her. Doctors fought for her life for several hours, but in the end they pronounced her death on July 12 at 18:05, which was most likely due to blood poisoning.

According to relatives, Valeria Ilyinichna received a wound about six months ago, but she did not seek qualified medical help. All this time, Novodvorskaya hoped to recover on her own. She was 64 years old.

Who is Valeria Novodvorskaya

Novodvorskaya was a liberal public figure, human rights activist, dissident, independent journalist, and more recently a video blogger. She founded the Democratic Union party. Several books came out from under her pen. Many of her statements became winged. For example, one of these: “Sex is not very exciting. It's boring: I've read! In recent years, she has been involved in educational and journalistic activities.

Novodvorskaya was a woman of outstanding abilities and talents. She was fluent in English and French. I read passably in Italian, German, Latin and Ancient Greek. Behind her is a life full of sharp turns of fate and resentment. She did not have a husband and children. However, in an interview, she admitted that she did not regret their absence at all. Novodvorskaya was not sure that with her difficult character and lack of time, she could become a good wife and mother.