To be in demand as a specialist, manager, scientist, it is not enough to prove yourself well in the workplace and to have publications in specialized, scientific publications, to publish consulting materials in the media. An indicator of your high qualifications will be participation in scientific or business conferences, where you can share your experience and discuss it during the presentation and speech.

Step 1
The right attitude to perform is very important. As you prepare your report or presentation, think about what a great chance you have had to discuss and share your achievements with colleagues. The most interesting, useful and effective scientific and business contacts are made at conferences. Imagine how you speak, how your audience responds kindly, how they laugh at your jokes, how attentively they listen to the performance.
Step 2
Consider the format of the report. Perhaps there is no point in making a presentation, but limiting ourselves to a flip-chart, distributing materials to the audience, showing a short video, photographs. Optimize the amount of information, there should be neither too much nor too little. If it is presented on slides, then they should not be too overwhelmed, and they can be perceived at the frame rate that you intended.
Step 3
Think about a speech plan. It makes no sense to write his text. If you are - in the subject, then it will not be difficult for you to speak coherently on this plan. So that the report does not seem too monotonous to the audience, and its perception does not become difficult, think about where you can joke in order to defuse the audience. Try to stick to the schedule. If you have 30 minutes allotted for your speech, then prepare the report for 20-25 minutes, since overlays are inevitable.
Step 4
Practice your presentation several times. Do not hold it after the report is completely ready. The first runs should be done already according to the outline of the report, you can listen to yourself and quickly adjust the content of the upcoming speech.
Step 5
Check the content of slides, other materials. All of them should be clear and readable. Do not use many different fonts in the design of texts and inscriptions, three or two are enough. Do not get carried away with colors, their abundance also makes it difficult to perceive.
Step 6
Get a good night's sleep and rest before the performance, you can take a walk before bed. A couple of days before him, go to the hairdresser, to the sports club. Be fresh and energetic in your presentation. Do not forget to bring pens, business cards, a laptop with a recorded report or presentation, and a copy of it on a flash card.
Step 7
During your speech, constantly address the audience, maintain eye contact with him. Your tone and appearance should be friendly. Do not turn away from the screen for a long time, you can only turn to it, as if inviting you to look. Do not mumble monotonously, highlight important phrases with intonations. You can ask rhetorical questions of the audience without letting them relax. We hope that according to this scenario, your performance will be a great success!