What The City Of The Future Looks Like

What The City Of The Future Looks Like
What The City Of The Future Looks Like

Fantasies about what the future will be, visit people at all times. Many tried to imagine the city of the future, and, a funny moment, none of the past managed to predict what surrounds people in the present. Nevertheless, modern futurists put forward the most interesting concepts.

What the city of the future looks like
What the city of the future looks like

Green future

Environmental concerns and hopes that humanity will come to their senses are two components on which the idea of the Green City of the Future is based. Is it possible to combine plants and nature with human activity? The adherents of this idea believe that yes. Many projects have already been drawn up, according to which it is possible to build green cities even today. Such settlements are self-sufficient, receive energy in an environmentally friendly way, and utilize all waste. The architecture is based on the principles of maximum conformity of layout and climate: temperature features, wind rose and other parameters are taken into account. So the technical means needed to maintain an acceptable level of comfort are used minimally. Such a city cannot be large, it is better suited for pedestrians and cyclists than for cars. Public transport should be developed in it.

City under the dome

Attempts to protect people from the "hostile" outside world lead to the fact that closed cities appear in fantasies. All buildings in them are as close to each other as possible, so you can easily get from one house to another. Life is organized in tiers, the city itself grows due to changes in height. As an attempt to bring the modern incarnation closer, one can cite the almost autonomous skyscrapers that are already trying to build in Asia. People can live and work in them, and do all the necessary things. In fact, the population of such a multifunctional skyscraper does not even need to leave it. True, the way of life of people will be quite specific, but few people care about it, because we are talking about the future.

Floating cities

The concepts of such cities are more designed for the forced survival of people who have lost their main home than for massive construction in the future. The floating city is a mixture of a huge ship with a self-contained skyscraper, but there is more romance in this idea, because there will be a sea around. Architects develop ideas that allow people to live comfortably on such a voyage, without being exposed to storms and sea waves. An important part of the design is assigned to various structures for the collection and desalination of seawater.

City network

Another concept that is getting closer and more realistic with every city. It implies that all cities will be connected to each other by a network of transport highways, along which it will be possible to move very quickly and safely. In some countries, air traffic is being developed, in others, super-high-speed trains are being introduced, in others there is a very extensive network of highways with no speed limit or with a minimum speed limit. Perhaps, in the future, an even faster way of moving around the surface of the planet will be invented, which will bring this concept closer.