Mysteries Of The Planet: Moaning Mountains And Singing Sands

Mysteries Of The Planet: Moaning Mountains And Singing Sands
Mysteries Of The Planet: Moaning Mountains And Singing Sands

There are many legends about Bell Mountain, Jebel Nakug. Under the feet of a man climbing to its top, the earth seems to groan. And the locals are sure that a huge monastery is hidden in the bowels. Humming - the sounds of underground bells calling the monks to prayer. From this hum the rock also trembles.

Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands
Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands

It is said that one traveler did not believe in the legend and wished to personally verify the existence of the monastery. By this he terrified the guide. He explained for a long time that it is impossible to demand verification of miracles, because this is the will of higher powers.

Sands and mountains

The Afghan mountain Reg-Ravan, that is, the Wavering, sounds. It is covered with white sandstone. It makes sounds like a drum roll when several people ascend to the top.

In Chile, the hill of El Bramador, or Howling, rises. Judging by the name, he is also not silent. Sometimes loud crying and moaning is heard in California. There are the same "special" elevations.

Moving sands also sound on the planet. It seems that the desert itself decided to demonstrate the vocal talent to the guests. The crests of the dunes "sing" the loudest. The "repertoire" can amaze with its variety. What unites all "performers" is the use of lower notes by desert and high coastal sands.

Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands
Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands

Amazing concerts

Uplands were known in ancient China. This is confirmed by the records found. The 150-meter sandy hill served as a religious building. They climbed it on a certain day and rolled down to hear the prediction, "the voice of the Dragon."

On the Kola Peninsula, completely unexpected sounds were recorded, reminiscent of a dog barking. If you walk along the beach on Lake Baikal, a creak is heard, turning into a howl.

The singing dune on the bank of the Ili became famous all over the world. The hill topped with a sharp ridge is made of golden sand. Singing, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, begins during the shedding of the rock. In strong winds, a rumble similar to the sound of an organ is heard.

One of their hypotheses claims that the cause of sounds is electrical discharges. They occur when grains of sand rub against each other. A thin layer of magnesium and calcium on them contributes to the emergence of sounds, reminiscent of those emitted by the bow when it is passed along the violin strings.

Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands
Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands

Scientists' opinion

Another version explains the reason for the movement of air in the intervals between the particles of the rock during the crumbling of dunes.

A group led by geologist Rusinov carried out the research. Scientists decided to cause a sand avalanche themselves. However, at the moment of its descent, a real roar was heard, as if the dune were indignant at the actions of people.

Everyone felt an incomprehensible fear and even pain. Surely, there is infrasound in the sounds generated by the dune. It was he who caused a similar effect.

When studying the mystery of the Hawaiian singing sands, it turned out that there is a thin channel in every grain of sand there. This means that the performer is the wind breaking through them. But it was not possible to find anything similar in other sands.

Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands
Mysteries of the Planet: Moaning Mountains and Singing Sands

The secrets of singing are still beyond the power of science to explain. But everyone can offer their versions.