Mysteries Of The Planet: Singing Dune

Mysteries Of The Planet: Singing Dune
Mysteries Of The Planet: Singing Dune

The expression "the sands sing" is not at all a poetic image. It is true to understand whether the wind makes sounds, whether the sand is a "performer" in the case of the Singing Dune, scientists have not yet been able to understand. Therefore, one of the most popular attractions in the world is the amazing dune, which emits a sound reminiscent of melodies.

Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune
Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune

One of the secrets of the planet is located on the territory of Altyn-Emel, a national park in Kazakhstan. The Singing Dune, included in the list of the seven wonders of the country, has become its main attraction, to admire which visitors come from everywhere.

Versions and proofs

It is interesting that the "numbers" are not performed for everyone: the "artist" is very shy. But resourceful tourists managed to find a reliable method: the buzz begins with a fast run. If it rained heavily, the probability of hearing a sandy concert is practically zero, since the sand will not be able to make sounds due to moisture.

According to one of the hypotheses put forward by scientists, the air moving between grains of sand becomes the culprit for singing. But it was not possible to find confirmation of such a theory: not every type of sand is "endowed" with vocal talent.

It is this moment that has been verified experimentally: only small quartz grains of sand are capable of singing. True, it is not the size of the particles that matters, but their ability to electrify.

Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune
Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune

Theories of the occurrence of the phenomenon

They tried to explain the phenomenon of "singing" by the radiation of charges by the dune. Thanks to this phenomenon, sounds very reminiscent of a melody are heard. It is this theory that claims to be the most plausible. Only so far the connection between the current and the "music" remains unproven.

The Kazakh landmark belongs to quartz, so you can see the Singing Dune from a great distance. It stands out noticeably in pale yellow against the gray background of the valley.

The researchers did not find an explanation for the presence of a considerable mass of quartz sand in an area completely uncharacteristic for such a rock. There is an opinion that the sand was carried into the steppe by the wind, but this is unlikely, because even the strongest gusts cannot tolerate such an impressive amount of particles.

Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune
Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune

Myths and reality

The version is supported by most of the scientists, who are convinced that the wind blowing in this part of the Ili river valley raises dust clouds from the shoals, carrying them to the constantly growing dune. It is estimated that the formation of the sandy mountain took at least 2-3 millennia.

If the conditions were different, then the elevation would not have remained in place, turning into a nomadic dune. However, the nearby mountains limit the location of the attraction.

There are many legends associated with the local mystery. Local residents claim that a huge mass of sand hides a huge underground city. In folklore, there are frequent references to the Singing Dune, scattered over the graves of Genghis Khan with his faithful warriors.

Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune
Mysteries of the Planet: Singing Dune

Researchers from all over the world come seeking to unravel one of the mysteries. However, so far only one conclusion is indisputable: sand begins to sing only when it is dry and in motion.