Who Are Catholics

Who Are Catholics
Who Are Catholics

Catholicism is the most massive, in terms of the number of adherents, direction in Christianity. This name comes from the ancient Greek word "kapholikos", which means "universal." Accordingly, those Christians who adhere to the Catholic faith are called Catholics. Currently, the number of Catholics is about 1.2 billion people.

Who are Catholics
Who are Catholics

How the Catholic Church came into being and how it differs from the Orthodox

For a long time, the Christian church was one. Disagreements that periodically arise between the priests of the Western Roman and Eastern Roman Empire, as a rule, were quickly resolved during the discussion of controversial issues at ecumenical councils. Gradually, however, these disagreements became more and more acute. And in 1054 the so-called "Great Schism" took place, when the heads of the Christian churches in Rome and Constantinople mutually gave each other a curse ("anathema"). From that moment on, the Christian Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope and the Orthodox Church headed by the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Although this mutual anathema was abolished in 1965, by a joint decision of the heads of both churches, the division between Catholics and Orthodox is still in force.

What religious differences could lead to such a sad event as the division of the church

The Catholic Church, in contrast to the Orthodox, recognizes the dogma of the infallibility of its supreme pastor - the Pope. Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit can come not only from God the Father, but also from God the Son (which is denied by the Orthodox). In addition, during the Sacrament of the Communion of the laity, instead of yeast bread - prosphora and red wine, Catholic priests use small flat cakes made of unleavened dough - "wafers" or "guests". During the Sacrament of Baptism, Catholics pour consecrated water over a person, and do not immerse him headlong into the water like the Orthodox.

The Catholic Church recognizes the existence of "purgatory" - a place between heaven and hell, while the Orthodox Church denies purgatory. Catholics, unlike Orthodox Christians, believe in the posthumous bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary. Finally, Catholics cross themselves with the "left cross", that is, they first put their fingers on the left shoulder, and then on the right. Divine services among Catholics are held in Latin. Also, in Catholic churches, sculptures (except for icons) and seats are allowed.

In which countries are the majority of believers Roman Catholics? There are a lot of Catholics in such European countries as Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary. Most believers in Latin American states are also adherents of Catholicism. Of the Asian countries, the Philippines has the most Catholics.