It's no secret that Bill Gates is one of the richest people on earth. Despite his considerable age (he is now 62 years old), few people can compare with him in terms of his condition. Many are concerned not only with the public, but also with the personal life of the billionaire, of particular interest is the question of how the life of his daughters developed.

Bill Gates' eldest daughter Jennifer, at the insistence of her parents, did not use social networks in her youth, and literally 5 years ago she began to actively publish her photos on the network. So, the details of Jennifer's life became available thanks to the girl herself. Now it is not difficult to recover facts from a biography.
Jennifer Gates biography
In the current 2018, the girl is graduating from Stanford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. She chose the Faculty of Biology, after receiving her education, she is likely to work in her specialty. It is possible that she will connect her life with equestrian sports, because the girl devotes almost all her free time to this hobby. The girl's horse is named Alex, according to the young lady, this is a very cute and docile animal.

Jennifer Gates' personal life
Jennifer's boyfriend's name is Nayel Nasar, he is 26 years old, they met last year, he is the girl's faithful companion on travels around the world, as well as in training with horses. It should be noted that Jennifer is ranked 19th among the best riders in the United States.

Bill Gates supports the eldest daughter's hobby not in words, but in deeds. He acquired a $ 37 million site in Wellington, Florida. The estate is located near the estate of Loreen, the widow of Steve Jobs.
Biography of Phoebe Gates
Unlike her older sister, there is not so much information on the network about Phoebe Gates, therefore, again, it was not without the participation of the famous father. Apparently, the Gates family is doing everything possible and impossible so that information, including photographs, does not go online. Phoebe was born in 2002. As for her character, the girl strives for openness, but for obvious reasons she cannot be completely frank with Internet users and journalists.

The girl's lifestyle cannot be called anything other than a mystery. We can only hope that soon the media will be able to learn something new about Phoebe Gates. It is known that Phoebe's plans are not yet certain where she will receive higher education. She is currently attending Lakeside Private School in Seattle.
Relationship between sisters
There is no warm and friendly relationship between Jennifer and Phoebe. Their relationship is official. They probably skillfully hide their real emotions, but it is quite possible that they are.
What Does Bill Gates' Will Say
Bill Gates told his children that after his death, almost all of his fortune will go to charities. However, they will not remain completely without funds, each of the heirs - two daughters and only son - is entitled to an inheritance of $ 10 million.