How Is The Consecration Of The Car

How Is The Consecration Of The Car
How Is The Consecration Of The Car

In Orthodox Christian practice, there is a tradition to consecrate vehicles. The rite of consecration is performed by a priest. The succession itself does not last long.

How is the consecration of the car
How is the consecration of the car

Usually vehicles (cars) are consecrated before entering the temple. However, the rite of the consecration of the machine itself can also take place in another place, the main thing is that the following should be performed by a clergyman who is not in the church prohibition.

The sequence of the consecration of the machine is located in the missal - a special book of the sequence of various sacred rites. The beginning of consecration is common for any rite. First, the prayers "To the Heavenly King" are read, the trisagion after our Father, then "Come and worship our Tsar God …" and Psalm 90 ("Alive in the help of the highest"). These prayers can be read by an ordinary reader. Further, a special prayer is read by the priest for the consecration of the car, after which the car is sprinkled three times with holy water from all sides.

Immediately before the consecration, the owners of the car open all doors, hood, trunk, as well as everything that can be opened in the car. It is also worth noting that during the consecration, the owners of the car stand with lighted candles.

After the consecration of the car (or before the rite itself), a small car icon is placed in the salon. Most often it is a triptych depicting the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Sometimes after the consecration of the car, some clergy advise to put the candle that was in the hand of the car owner in the glove compartment. However, this practice is not prescribed by a special church decree, therefore, it does not belong to the category of necessarily doable.
