How Is The Consecration Of The Apartment

How Is The Consecration Of The Apartment
How Is The Consecration Of The Apartment

The Orthodox faith allows you to consecrate everything that is necessary for a person's life, including his home. Consecration is a church rite, after which the grace of God descends on a person, his dwelling and his deeds.

How is the consecration of the apartment
How is the consecration of the apartment

According to the Christian faith, every person, every animal, every country, city, village or house has its own guardian angels. But they are not always able to cope with the dark forces. And if a person can ask God for protection in prayer, parishioners of temples pray for the welfare and protection of the state or the village, then the dwelling must be consecrated in order to expel the messengers of evil from it. During the rite of consecration, the priest offers prayers to God for cleansing the premises, sprinkles it with holy water and fumigates incense.

In the modern world, where air is a sacred concept for Orthodox Christianity, filled with radio and television waves that transmit a lot of negativity, it is simply necessary to consecrate housing. This is what true adepts of the faith believe. After the ceremony, it is difficult for an evil spirit to resist God's grace and do their dark deeds. Yes, and those who do not believe in God noted that after the consecration of their apartment life improved, hardships and failures receded, contact was established with disobedient and difficult children, and those suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction managed to overcome their craving for them.

How is the consecration of dwellings

The rite of consecration of a house or apartment takes place according to the so-called special order. The very word "consecration" in this case has a slightly different character, and in the prayers that are read during the ceremony, the word "blessing" is often used.

During the beginning of the rite of consecration of the apartment, the priest reads the so-called initial prayers. At this time, he recommends to the owners of the house to ask for God's blessing for themselves, their loved ones and their home. Then the ninth psalm is read, which is considered the most powerful weapon against the devil and his minions.

Then comes the turn of the reading of Troparion, the illumination of the oil, which is applied to the walls of the symbol of the Christian faith, the cross. And only after that the apartment is sprinkled with holy water, fumigated with incense. All steps of the ceremony are accompanied by the reading of prayers, in which the priest asks the Lord to send his defenders for the house, for all those living in it and to protect them from any evil, to send his grace.

Consecration of an apartment does not take much time - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. During the ceremony, the presence of everyone who lives in it is desirable, but if one of your relatives is not a fan of the faith and is categorically against the consecration of the apartment, you can also perform it secretly.

How to prepare an apartment for the consecration ceremony

Before a priest comes to the house to conduct the rite of consecration, it is advisable to put things in order. It is imperative to remove all pagan amulets, even if they are used as interior decoration items as a memory of a vacation or a guest.

For the clergyman, it is necessary to prepare a table covered with a clean white tablecloth, where he can place the items necessary for him for the ceremony. In addition, there must be Christian icons in the house, and the image of the Savior is mandatory.