What Is A Riddle

What Is A Riddle
What Is A Riddle

The riddle is simple and at the same time not always clear. The meaning and meaning of this word is clear even to a child, but does everyone know what a riddle really is? In ancient times, they were used to test philosophers, sages and scientists, and today, with the help of riddles, you can learn to think logically and guess one thing in the other. Is the riddle as simple as it might seem?

What is a riddle
What is a riddle

What is a riddle is an image, an allegory. An object hidden from view is presented in the form of similar images and metaphors. A person always needs to show imagination, logical thinking and the ability to unravel images. Riddles for kids aim to teach them comparisons and figurative thinking. Five brothers are the fingers of one hand, the girl in the dungeon is a red carrot, and the grandfather, who is dressed in a hundred fur coats, is a large fleshy onion. Through riddles, the child comprehends the meaning of many things and objects and learns to find in everything not only the incomprehensible and new, but also funny and amusing.

Today, riddles are more fun and a game than serious work for the brain, but this was not always the case. In paganism, people came up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the reality surrounding them by the interaction of deities in heaven and animated many objects. It was from these times that many mysteries came to us, in which the sun is compared with a prince galloping across the sky in a chariot, and the moon is with a sad maiden sighing languidly on a dark veil. Now it is difficult to find the roots of many ancient mysteries, but they continue to remain popular and instill respect and reverence for nature and animals.

There were also complex riddles, which were beyond the power of even the most famous sages to guess. In Greek myths, there are still references to the Sphinx, which asked its guests questions worth living. In those days, wisdom was considered just as important an attribute of a hero as physical strength, which is why in many legends heroes defeated their enemies by answering difficult questions or solving impossible tasks.

When was the last time you solved a difficult riddle? Maybe you think that with age a person loses interest in this fun or becomes too smart and quick-witted to engage in children's entertainment? To this day, there are riddles over which many adults puzzle. By the way, oriental riddles and logical puzzles, which novices in Buddhist monasteries are engaged in, are considered one of the most difficult and intellectual ones. Many of them do not have an unambiguous answer, or the solution process itself so engulfs the guesser that he can spend more than one day or even a month thinking.

So what is the riddle for? First of all, it is a way to develop your imagination and learn to think not only logically, but also figuratively. They develop imagination, imagination and the ability to reason coherently, not missing the smallest details. Guess riddles, and your life will never become insipid and boring.
