What Is The Novel "The Riddle Of Prometheus" About

What Is The Novel "The Riddle Of Prometheus" About
What Is The Novel "The Riddle Of Prometheus" About

The novel by the Hungarian writer and playwright Lajos Mesterhazy "The Mystery of Prometheus" was published in 1997, becoming a bestseller in the USSR. In it, the writer combined the real history of the ancient world, fantasy and mythology, complementing these components with political evil satire and gentle humor. Why was the "Prometheus Riddle" so struck by the Soviet reader?

What is the novel about
What is the novel about

Plot description

Almost everyone knows about the ancient hero Prometheus, who came from Greek mythology. Brave Prometheus stole divine fire from heaven for people and was punished by the god Zeus - Hephaestus made chains with which Prometheus was chained to the rock. Every day, an eagle flew to the place of execution, pecking at the liver of a living Prometheus and tearing apart the wounds that had barely healed with its beak. The hero's torture continued for many years, until one day Hercules, passing by the rock, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus, breaking the chains of Hephaestus.

In 1976, The Mystery of Prometheus was published by Foreign Literature and Mashterhazi became famous.

What happened to Prometheus after his release? All ancient legends are silent about this, but could not the hero, the greatest benefactor of mankind and the fighter for freedom, simply dissolve in the darkness of centuries? In his novel, the writer tells why the ancient astronomers did not name a single star in honor of Prometheus, and the sculptors and architects did not erect a single temple, source or even a simple altar for him.

Biography of Lajos Mesterhazy

Lajos Mesterhazy was born on March 3, 1916 in the Hungarian town of Kispest. The future writer studied at the Budapest gymnasium, graduated from the philological faculty of the University of Budapest and received a diploma from the University of Paris. After his studies, Mesterhazi returned to his homeland and received a position as a secretary at the Anglo-Hungarian Bank. World War II forced him to become a member of the anti-fascist underground movement and the Hungarian Communist Party.

The philosophical novel The Mystery of Prometheus is the most significant and world-famous work of Lajos Mesterhazy.

In addition, the Hungarian writer managed to work as an employee of the Hungarian Telegraph Agency, the literary department of the Hungarian Radio, the Muwelt Nep magazine, the Elet esch Herodalom publishing house and the Budapest magazine. After writing the witty and partially politically correct novel The Mystery of Prometheus, Mashterkhazi received close attention not only to grateful readers, but also to the “elder brother”. However, the writer's communist views and his long track record saved Lajos Mesterhazi from problems with power, and the novel was allowed to be published freely. After a number of publications by well-known publishers, the Hungarian gained almost worldwide fame, but today his great novel is, unfortunately, practically forgotten.