How To Understand That The Christian God Is One, But Threefold In Persons

How To Understand That The Christian God Is One, But Threefold In Persons
How To Understand That The Christian God Is One, But Threefold In Persons

Christianity expounds the doctrine of God as the Holy Trinity. Orthodox people believe that God is one, but threefold in Persons. This dogma is fundamental to Christian theology.

How to understand that the Christian God is one, but threefold in Persons
How to understand that the Christian God is one, but threefold in Persons

The Christian dogma of the Holy Trinity is completely incomprehensible to the human mind. It is no coincidence that dogmas can generally be called a cross for the human mind. Man cannot fully comprehend the essence of deity, since God is incomprehensible by nature. Holy Scripture says that the Lord lives in the unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6-16). Saint John Chrysostom interprets this in such a way that even the area of the existence of God is inaccessible to the human mind, all the more it is impossible to talk about the comprehension of the essence of God. The Lord, according to the teachings of St. Gregory Palamas, can be cognized through His energy (grace).

Many eminent theologians wanted to penetrate into the mystery of the Holy Trinity. For example, Blessed Augustine wandered along the seashore somehow thinking about this. An angel appeared to him and advised him to first dig a hole on the shore with a spoon, and then pour the sea into the hole with this spoon. Only after that it will be possible at least to try to understand the essence of the mystery of the Holy Trinity. That is, it is completely impossible to do this.

A Christian must accept on faith the dogma that God is one, but threefold in Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Trinity consubstantial and indivisible. God is not only numerically one, but essentially one. All three Persons of the Holy Trinity are of equal divine dignity. Persons differ from each other only in the image of their Personal being. So, the Father is not born from anyone and does not come, the Son is eternally born of the Father, the Holy Spirit eternally comes from God the Father. In the Trinity there are three hypostases, three persons, three personalities, but one (one) nature, one (one) nature, one (one) essence. Of course, it is not clear how in one God there can be three Persons, three hypostases, three persons. But in Christian theology there is a term for the trinity of deity. Trinity is viewed through a person, personality and hypostasis, and unity is determined by a single essence, nature and nature. It is necessary to understand that in God three Persons are not divided into three different gods and do not merge with each other into one deity.

Some example can be given. When a person sees the sun, feels the light from it and feels warmth, he quite clearly imagines the sun's body as an object, separate rays and heat. But at the same time, a person does not divide all these three components into something separate and independent from each other. Figuratively speaking, it is the same in the Holy Trinity. However, this comparison cannot fully reflect the essence of the trinity of deity to the extent that our entire world simply does not have such concepts that can shed light on the disclosure of the essence of God. Man's thinking itself is limited …

There are other examples from the created world, which minimally reflect the trinity. For example, a person and his threefoldness. In Christianity there is a teaching that a person consists of body, soul and spirit.