How To Understand The Church's Teaching About God's Creation Of The World In Six Days

How To Understand The Church's Teaching About God's Creation Of The World In Six Days
How To Understand The Church's Teaching About God's Creation Of The World In Six Days

The Bible tells man that God created the world in six days. This story can be a stumbling block for many people. It is not entirely clear how to understand the six-day creation of the whole world.

How to understand the Church's teaching about God's creation of the world in six days
How to understand the Church's teaching about God's creation of the world in six days

Some points of the Bible should be considered not literally, but figuratively. It is necessary to understand that the days of God's creation of the world in the Bible do not imply a period of time of 24 hours (day). The fact is that the sun, moon and stars appeared only on the fourth day of creation. Therefore, until that time it is impossible to talk about the day in the usual human understanding. It means that it remains to think of the day of creation as a period of time. How long it was is unknown. It can be argued that the planet has been forming for thousands of years or even longer periods of time. In this sense, we can talk about the evolutionism of the planet, since it has now been proven that the world has evolved. Christianity does not reject this, but adds that the planet developed according to certain laws established by God. It is no coincidence that the Holy Scriptures say that God has one day as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Therefore, you should not think literally the day of creation in modern time categories.

On the first day, God created the visible sky (as an atmosphere) and light. This light was not a consequence of the existence of heavenly bodies, but the action of divine grace. Day and night appeared.

The second day was marked by the creation of the earthly firmament.

The third day is the creation of land and seas, as well as plants. It is necessary to understand that there was no sunlight yet. Therefore, the plants received some other source of light (this is how the Christian story can be interpreted). Probably, it could be the same divine light. Greenery, trees and plants could have been created by God before the rest of the animal world in order for the earth to be prepared for the perception of various other living creatures.

On the fourth day, the heavenly bodies appeared: the sun, moon and stars.

On the fifth day, the creation of the world was marked by the development of various forms of living beings, and on the sixth day, man was created.

As mentioned above, within the framework of each day, the processes of evolution of species of living beings took place. However, all this was subject to the general natural law established by God. Even Darwin said that it is the Lord who is the cause of the emergence of some evolutionary processes, since in God the beginning of the chain of formation of living beings.

Thus, the teaching of the Church does not contradict science in the theory of the multimillion-dollar formation of the world (the only exception can be the fact of the origin of man from the direct action of God on the sixth day of creation, aimed at creating a unique new personality with spiritual qualities and bearing the image and likeness of the Creator) …