How To Understand What God Wants From Us?

How To Understand What God Wants From Us?
How To Understand What God Wants From Us?

The meaning of life is a mystery that they have been trying to solve for many centuries. Is it possible to understand the meaning of some events from the point of view of God?

How to understand what God wants from us?
How to understand what God wants from us?

Each person in his life is faced with many situations that can be conditionally divided into positive and negative. Also, these events can be perceived by us as bringing good or harm.

Sometimes we ask ourselves whether there is any sense in certain events and situations that happen to us. Coming up with models that can explain the meaning of what happens. Skeptics and atheists try to explain everything by the will of blind chance or some laws they know, and believers see God's will in everything.

The Gospel contains the following words: "Not a single hair will fall from your head without the will of the Heavenly Father." They give an indication to people who believe in the existence of God that after all, what is happening to us has some meaning. Just which one? How to understand this meaning? And is it even possible?

We cannot know for certain the meaning of everything that happens. But, if we take it for a hypothesis that we go through spiritual lessons in our life, gain experience, develop, make many choices that make us more perfect, or vice versa, lead us back in our development, then we can try to understand the meaning of some situations and events based on this.

There is a famous parable about the two sides of the coin. Once there was a man and his son. The father gave his son a wonderful horse. The son was very happy and said: "How lucky I am!" Some time later, a misfortune happened - he fell off his horse and broke his leg. "How unlucky I am," he exclaimed in his hearts. However, after a while the war came, and he was not taken to fight due to injury. " I get lucky!" he said again.

This parable shows that any event can have a positive meaning, which is difficult to understand and evaluate immediately. Moreover, in many events the meaning may not be material, as, for example, in a parable - he broke his leg and saved his life, because he did not go to war, but spiritual. Going through certain situations, we can acquire various qualities and improve ourselves, learn about the world and gain experience.

For example, in difficult extreme situations, we can learn to overcome and courage, in difficult personal relationships - to learn forgiveness and understanding, to gain wisdom in suffering, and so on.

Now let's try to understand the true meaning of a certain situation or circumstance in our life. In fact, this can be what God wants from us. I recommend that you first analyze the already past and completed situation. Sometimes, current situations can only be understood after they have ended if viewed from a broader perspective.

1. Choose a situation in which you would like to clarify the meaning for yourself. It can be either a minor situation or a big fateful event.

2. Answer the following questions:

- Have you acquired (or strengthened in yourself) any positive quality? For example, the situation required the manifestation of generosity, forgiveness, wisdom, sincerity. Maybe she made you stronger, taught you something?

- Did this situation enrich you in terms of gaining experience that you can now use for the benefit of others? For example, if you were able to cope with a problem, then now there is an opportunity to help other people in the same situations.

- Is it possible that in the absence of this circumstance, you would have faced a more serious problem?

3. If you answered yes, at least in part, it is likely that these are the answers to the question of what God wanted from us in our situation. You may not have gone through this situation completely correctly, but now you can come closer to understanding its meaning.

And in conclusion, I want to add that no matter what attempts we make to understand God, we should always remember that his ways are inscrutable and our understanding of the Creator's plan cannot claim to be completely true, but will grow with the growth of our soul.