What The Book "Cloud Atlas" Is About

What The Book "Cloud Atlas" Is About
What The Book "Cloud Atlas" Is About

Cloud Atlas is a one-volume novel, composed of several short story-like parts. Author David Mitchell treats his characters like a magician, hiding the truth from them behind a thin veil of their own beliefs. The heroes of the novel are separated by time and space. The event of each part-story takes place in its own time and on another continent. The heroes are apparently not related to each other. But later it turns out that the heroes are reborn, moving from life to life, keeping dreams and hopes. Continuing the fight.

still from the film
still from the film

The novel "Cloud Atlas" was written in 2004. Its author is the English writer David Mitchell. The novel was filmed in 2013. Then it was translated into Russian and published in the same year by the Eksmo publishing house.

The book is written in several genres at once. Each story in the book is a separate work. A separate incarnation of heroes. The heroes, not remembering themselves, continue their creative search in a new life.

The book consists of parts-stories:

The Pacific Diary of Adam Ewing

Letters from Zedelgem

Half-lives: First Investigation by Louise Rey

Last Judgment Timothy Cavendish

Orizon Sonmi-451

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Orizon Sonmi-451

Last Judgment Timothy Cavendish

Half-lives: First Investigation by Louise Rey

Pisma from Zedelgem

The heroes of the book are passionate. Committed to their goals. But their goal is not to get rich. Not pleasing yourself. In the highest sense. In truth. Which the heroine of Sunmi-451 is trying to present to everyone.

The author reveals the human need to achieve truth and justice. But such a search sometimes leads to the death of heroes. The fight against evil is sometimes unequal, and sometimes it ends with the death of the one who dared to fight.

There is no naivety in the novel. He severely puts the hero one on one with the problem. This book will help the reader to look at themselves and the world in a different way.

The novel "Cloud Atlas" may seem pesimistic in some places. But the result of the novel is the hope of the author and the heroes that life is full for those who dared to live.

The book is 800 pages long. And it is a work that can be called a model of literature.
