What Is Albert Einstein Famous For

What Is Albert Einstein Famous For
What Is Albert Einstein Famous For

The name Albert Einstein is familiar to many. But not everyone can say what this physicist is famous for. Meanwhile, Einstein became the first person who was able to derive a formula for the dependence of energy on body mass. But the most significant contribution of the scientist to science was the creation of the theory of relativity, which turned the idea of the material world upside down.

Monument to Albert Einstein in Washington
Monument to Albert Einstein in Washington

From the biography of Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His father traded in electrical equipment, his mother ran a household. The family later moved to Munich, where young Albert entered a Catholic school. Einstein continued his education at the Higher Technical School of Zurich, after which he was promised a career as a school teacher of mathematics and physics.

For a long time, the future famous physicist could not find a teaching position, so he became a technical assistant in the Swiss patent office. Dealing with patents, the scientist could trace the connection between the achievements of modern science and technical innovations, which greatly expanded his scientific horizons. In his spare time, Einstein dealt with issues directly related to physics.

In 1905, he managed to publish several important works that were devoted to Brownian motion, quantum theory and the theory of relativity. The great physicist was the first to introduce into science a formula that reflected the relationship between mass and energy. This relationship formed the basis of the principle of conservation of energy, established in relativism. All modern nuclear power engineering is based on Einstein's formula.

Einstein and his theory of relativity

Einstein formulated the foundations of the famous theory of relativity by 1917. His concept substantiated the principle of relativity and transferred it to systems that are capable of moving with acceleration along curved paths. General relativity has become an expression of the relationship between the space-time continuum and the distribution of mass. Einstein built his concept on the theory of gravitation proposed by Newton.

The theory of relativity was a truly revolutionary concept for its time. Its recognition was helped by the facts observed by scientists, confirming the calculations of Einstein. World fame came to the scientist after the solar eclipse that took place in 1919, the observations of which showed the validity of the conclusions of this brilliant theoretical physicist.

For his works in the field of theoretical physics, Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1922. Later, he seriously dealt with the issues of quantum physics, its statistical component. In the last years of his life, the physicist worked on the creation of a unified field theory, in which he intended to combine the provisions of the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. But Einstein did not manage to complete this work.