All About Communication Etiquette

All About Communication Etiquette
All About Communication Etiquette

Communication etiquette implies the use of accepted norms of behavior in society. The ability to behave correctly, maintain a conversation and not go beyond the bounds of decency are essential skills for a modern person.

All about communication etiquette
All about communication etiquette

Good manners

A well-mannered person should address the interlocutor by name and patronymic and exclusively on "you." Familiar relations are permissible only with friends and family in an informal setting.

At official events, the interlocutor is addressed with the words "lord", "madam", and also the titles and titles of the invitees are used. Moreover, in this case, the address "man" or "woman" will be inappropriate.

It is permissible to refer to people from the service sector as "girl" and "young man". However, an impersonal appeal to waiters at special events is desirable. Also, in everyday situations, for example, in public transport, it is advisable to impersonally address strangers. In such cases, it is better to use the phrases "be kind", allow me to ask "," allow "instead of the official" lord "or" madam ".

If you accidentally hurt someone present, mixed up the name and patronymic, or made an inaccurate statement, you need to apologize.

It is worth remembering the rules of good manners, which assume that a man opens the door for a woman and lets her pass first. Also, when placed at the table, the gentleman pushes a chair for the lady, and after a joint dance, he escorts his companion back to her place.

Courteous communication

When talking to a person, you should maintain an acceptable distance without getting close enough. As a rule, it is necessary to stand at a distance of 1.5 meters with unfamiliar people. At the same time, it is not permissible to impose one's candidacy for communication or draw the attention of the interlocutor by patting on the shoulder. If you need to discuss a question of interest with a stranger, it is necessary that you be introduced to each other by one of your mutual acquaintances.

You should be courteous and not ask personal or provocative questions to unfamiliar people. Communication should start with a discussion of superficial and general topics for conversation, like the weather, the latest news. At the first meeting, you should not offer to go to "you", actively discuss mutual friends or ask for help in solving personal problems.

When you enter a conversation, be polite and do not use jargon and non-normative vocabulary in your speech. Listen carefully to the interlocutor, look into his eyes, only occasionally averting your gaze to the side. Don't interrupt your communication partner. Wait for him to finish his thought and then clarify what remains unclear.

It is considered indecent to raise topics of conversation that most communication partners do not understand, while using an abundance of professional jargons and terms that are incomprehensible to others. It is also inappropriate at official events to joke a lot and tell funny stories from the lives of those present.
