How To Bury A Person In Moscow

How To Bury A Person In Moscow
How To Bury A Person In Moscow

When grief happens in a family, the question arises: how, where and how much to bury a loved one in Moscow. The question is far from idle, as the grief-stricken relatives are immediately attacked by funeral directors.

Novodevichy cemetery
Novodevichy cemetery

Where and how to bury a person in Moscow

There are many cemeteries on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, and the cost of a funeral and the procedure for processing the necessary documents in them will be approximately the same. First of all, it is necessary to buy a plot of land for burial, since not all Moscow cemeteries have the opportunity to provide a plot for free.

For a certain amount of "gratitude" you can bury a person in any cemetery.

The cost of land in cemeteries is in the range of 7-9 thousand rubles. Some churchyards are generally closed for new burials, including Vagankovskoye and Novodevichye.

To collect documents and go through all the formalities, you can contact a ritual agent from the state funeral home, he will do everything in the shortest possible time, and from relatives will not constantly take money to "grease" for a better site, for a more prestigious cemetery. You will not have to stand in lines if the agent is conscientious, but before concluding a contract with him, you can ask his superiors how many people he helped.

Moscow is a city where many nationalities live, and in this regard, a number of cemeteries allocate special places for burials of people of various confessions and religions. There are Muslim, Armenian, Jewish cemeteries, where funerals are held according to national rites. There may be separate burial places for soldiers who died in hot spots.

You can find out about the time and schedule of the cemetery on the official website, where all the services provided are described and the price list is posted. If there is no way to bury a person to earth, he can be cremated, there are several crematoria on the territory of Moscow, they work from 9:00 to 17:00.

Burial preparation

After death, the body of the deceased is transported to the hospital morgue, where an autopsy is performed on the subject of violent death, or if the corpse is a criminal, it is sent to the forensic morgue, accompanied by law enforcement officers.

If desired, the priest can perform the funeral service for the deceased right in the morgue.

In thanatological departments, the cause of death is either confirmed or denied, after which a conclusion is issued.

In the boats, the body is washed, dressed, if necessary, and the person's life-like appearance will be restored from the photo. The body can also be embalmed according to the testimony when the funeral is not possible in the next 24 hours. In order to be able to stay close to a family member who has gone forever in the last hours, to say goodbye to him, it is convenient to contact a ritual agency, the funeral agent will take over all further efforts to collect documents and prepare for burial.

If this is not possible, family members can do everything on their own, using useful information from the official website of the selected cemetery.
