A fragile gem of a heavenly hue was called an angel stone not only because of its color. Light streaks look like shiny feathers. According to popular beliefs, the mineral brings good luck, heals and protects from troubles. The main feature is called the ability to fulfill any dream of the owner.

For the first time, bluish anhydrite was found in mines in Peru in 1987. Anhydrous calcium sulfate was called the stone of angels or angelite almost immediately. However, much earlier in ancient legends, it was told of a heavenly stone permeated with veins, fulfilling requests.
In color, the gem can be in grayish and purple tones. There are no strict requirements for the intensity of the shade. Color unevenness and inclusions are allowed. After grinding, the edges of translucent or transparent crystals acquire an oily sheen or light pearlescent overflows.
Find anhydrites and bright purple, and red, and white. However, an angelite is called only that mineral that resembles the sky in its color.
Craftsmen willingly make figurines of angels and crosses, interior items from spectacular material, and inlaid jewelry made of silver or cupronickel with stones.

Rooms are decorated with large bars, crystals of low quality are used as industrial raw materials. "Stone of Angels" perfectly conveys all the ideas of the carver. The finest work turns frescoes and panels into a masterpiece.
The crystal is called a strong talisman against disease and failure. If the disease already exists, angelite will increase the owner's immunity, accelerate recovery, and eliminate the risk of complications. The talisman will warn the owner about the approach of the disease in advance.
Magical and healing properties
Esotericists are sure that with the help of an angelite, an agreement is concluded between an angel and a person. To make a wish come true, you need to whisper it to the crystal. The main thing to remember: one stone fulfills one request, not necessarily to the detriment of others
- The mineral contributes to better development, therefore, it is often placed in a crib. Indecisive people become more daring with the help of talismans.
- The silver setting protects from conflicts, and the proximity to turquoise protects from destructive passion. The effect is greatly enhanced if the angelite is worn together with aquamarine.
- Newlyweds are advised to break the mineral in half to strengthen the relationship with each other.

Usually the gem is used to make handmade jewelry. It goes well with pearls, jasper, quartzite. The frame is chosen from silver, nickel or steel. A soft stone is not embedded in platinum or gold.
Most often, anhydrite plays the role of an insert in a decoration; very rarely, cufflinks are made from it.
An extremely fragile gem requires special care. In the water, the angelite swells, turning into gypsum. It is forbidden to clean the mineral with a hard sponge or brush, use chemicals. Get rid of dirt with velvety or terry wet wipes.
Small scratches will be removed with a cotton cloth dipped in a milligram of vegetable oil. Minor injuries are rubbed intensively, repeating the procedure after adding a new drop of oil if necessary.

Store jewelry only separately from other accessories in a dry place.
- Angelite tolerates bright light well. It is recommended to wear it for a long time after purchase, so that the gem will absorb the energy of the sun and get used to the owner.
- Do not forget that sweat destroys the structure of the stone. It is impossible to wear jewelry in places with high humidity.
- Before doing physical work, accessories are removed from the hands.
It is pointless to wear jewelry under outerwear. Especially the ban applies to jackets with zippers.
How to distinguish from a fake
Natural angelite has a rough surface, there are inclusions that are inconspicuous without special devices. A polished stone acquires a glassy luster or a wax glow.
Microdamages are allowed, in the form of chips, scratches and cracks. Together with elongated veins, such defects are even desirable, since they prove the authenticity of the gem.
- The fake is distinguished by the perfect smoothness of the surface without inclusions and uniformity of color.
- Natural stone is heavy, plastic is much lighter.
- Angelite is easily scratched, some white dust remains in the damaged area.
The gem heats up longer than plastic. Therefore, if a bead in the palm of your hand warms up in 5 seconds, it is a fake. A small piece of untreated mineral in water grows in size and turns into gypsum.

There is no incompatibility with the stone of angels: it suits all signs of the zodiac. Most of all, it is useful for Cancers and Virgos. However, esotericists are sure that only those with pure thoughts are allowed to wear such a crystal. When the owner commits a misdemeanor, the angelite talisman will speed up and intensify the punishment.