Kaikov Andrey Albertovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kaikov Andrey Albertovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kaikov Andrey Albertovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Success to a theater and film actor can come completely unexpectedly. And this is not an isolated case. The career of Andrei Kaikov serves as a clear illustration of this.

Andrey Kaikov
Andrey Kaikov

Starting conditions

The continuity of generations takes place not only in the families of tire fitters or oligarchs. Children of buffoons and comedians very often follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Andrey Albertovich Kaikov was born on December 25, 1971 in an intelligent family. Parents at that time lived in the ancient Russian city of Bryansk. My father worked as a director of a puppet theater. Mother is a librarian. The child grew up in a favorable environment. I learned to read early. He knew how the characters of popular adventure novels and Russian folk tales live.

Kaikov studied well at school. I found a common language with classmates. He went in for sports and amateur performances. He learned the basics of stage creativity in the literary and theatrical section. As a teenager, he dreamed of becoming a pilot or a surgeon. However, genetic inheritance turned out to be stronger. After the tenth grade, when it was necessary to choose an education and plan a career in life, Andrei decided to enter the famous Schepkinsky theater school.

In the theater and on TV

The acting biography of Kaikov evolved progressively. No sharp ups, scandals and failures. The graduate showed a high level of training and the directors liked it. After college, Andrei entered the service at the cult theater on Taganka. He was immediately offered the lead role in one of the new performances. The troupe treated him as an actor of the dramatic and tragic genre. He appeared in a completely different role and was remembered by viewers.

The young and efficient actor was not left unattended by the filmmakers. The beginning was, as is customary, modest. Kaikov took part in the episodes. He played supporting roles. This period did not last long, since Andrei's textured appearance attracted the attention of the audience. Among the top-rated series, it is enough to name "Daddy's Daughters", "Voronins", "Streets of Broken Lights". The actor became truly popular after the show "6 frames" began to appear on TV regularly. Andrei began to be recognized on the street, in public transport and in shops.

Sketch of personal life

Kaikov's relations with women have always evolved easily. Easily folded, and just as easily destroyed. An Indian film with tears and dances can be made about Andrey's personal life. The famous actor was legally married three times. Every time he himself was surprised that his girlfriend easily agrees to his proposal. Apparently love in our enlightened time remains completely blind. In the first marriage, children did not appear. From the second - there was a son.

From the third time, a stable social unit was formed. A husband and wife are raising and raising two sons. Kaikov tries to give equal and regular attention to all his children. In his free time he likes to play football. He is fond of hockey. More for the army team. Children love their daddy.
