Justin Long: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Justin Long: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Justin Long: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

American actor Justin Long became famous for his humorous films. He starred in the films "Crossroads", "American Divorce" and "Big Grub". Under the power of the performer and dramatic roles, and horror, and melodrama.

Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Justin Jacob Long was born in the early summer of 1978 in Fairfield to an actress and teacher.

It's time for childhood and adolescence

Wendy Lesnyak, a former Broadway actress, did not give liberties to children. Her methods were completely shared by the head of the family, professor of philosophy James Long. The family adhered to Catholic views. All three sons were raised in this style.

Justin graduated from the Jesuit school, where children were taught ancient history and ancient languages. From an early age, the boy was distinguished by his cheerful character and artistry. The sociable and energetic Long always had new friends and in any company he was in the spotlight.

The teachers also noticed and appreciated the artistic talent. The child was often involved in school performances. The main roles were entrusted to him. The son's hobby did not cause hostility in the family. Parents even picked up a circle for him to hone his skills. All of Long's brothers became actors. Damian plays on Broadway, and Christian promises to become famous as the star of youth TV series. Mom helped them with professional advice.

After high school, Justin continued his education at the Vassar Liberal College, famous for its artistic troupe. The guy entered it from the first days. Soon he already participated in the Laughingstock collective and played in its performances.

Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The activity attracted the interest of filmmakers. Seeing Long, the MGM casting director invited the aspiring actor to appear in a Pepsi commercial. The result was a good acquaintance with Clint Eastwood.

During the commercials, Long did not stop working with "Laughing Stock". However, since 1999, due to the comedy project "In Search of the Galaxy", the team had to leave. In the television series, Justin had a chance to play with Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman. Thanks to the unprecedented rating of the project, even a small role became stellar.

Star status

According to the plot, the performers of the roles in the series are tired of long work and boring roles. Popularity pleases only the performer of the role of Captain Jason.

One day, fans ask him for help. The artist decides that he will be asked to act in the video and agrees. In fact, everything turns out to be much more interesting. The Termians are a peaceful race of cephalopods who have decided that the series is historical chronicles. Therefore, they need the help of people brilliantly extricating themselves from all the troubles.

They built both a replica of the Protector and inventions that mimic human appearance. In the course of exciting adventures, both the artist and his fan, performed by Long, manage to solve all the problems of the aliens. Fans are confident that everything that happens is just a continuation of their favorite project.

Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life

In 2000, the artist starred in a new film. He participated in the work on the serial "Ed". He got Warren's hero. He lingered on the screen for the entire duration of the project. At the same time, shooting and other works were going on.

In 2001, the thriller Jeepers Creepers premiered in Munich. Together with Jonathan Breck and Gina Phillips, Long got one of the leading roles. Darius Jenner became the first major film work.

Since 2002, the shooting of the sequel to the horror film began. Nikki Aycox and Ray Wise were on the set with the actor. The premiere show took place in the new spring. The work brought the performer a nomination for "Saturn" and the status of a rising Hollywood star.

Notable works

Shooting in the comedy melodrama "Crossroads" became a new peak. In it, Long got the character of Britney Spears' friend. The film was followed by "Bouncers", "Crazy Races" and "Big Food".

From 2006 to 2010, Long had a chance to play both in independent films and in iconic films in Hollywood. The most striking roles were "American Divorce", "Die Hard 4.0", "Promising is Not Marrying" and "Bigfoot". The films “Life Beyond the Boundary”, “The Conspirator” and “At the Distance of Love” helped to consolidate the established image. After them, Long firmly established himself in the stellar niche.

Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life

In 2013, the parody project "iSteve" about the creator of "Apple" was shown. Justin was offered the lead role in it. The feature film became the first film about the beginner of the era of IT technologies, filmed after his departure.

From next year, fans learned about the filming of the comedy horror "Tusk". The picture was conceived as the initial part of a trilogy. She was followed by "Yoganutye" and "Moose Jaws". The audience received the project very warmly. In 2015, Justin also played an episode in the comedy "Portlandia".

Personal life

During the work on the melodrama 2010 "At the Distance of Love", a meeting with Drew Barrymore took place. At first, a purely scripted novel developed into a relationship in reality. True, the reason for the separation of the couple a year later remained unclear.

Soon a new relationship started with Kirsten Dunst. The stellar romance was not advertised, and it ended quickly. Kirsten replaced Amanda Seyfid for a couple of years. There was talk of an imminent wedding, but due to employment and career takeoff, this romance ended in nothing. The girl became the initiator of the separation. Charming Lauren Mayberry, vocalist of "Chvrches", healed the heart of the saddened artist.

In 2016, the Yoganutye tape was released. Long became Bayer in it. The daughter of the famous Johnny Depp, Lily Rose, also starred with him. Depp himself performed Guy LaPointe.

Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Justin Long: biography, creativity, career, personal life

At the end of 2017, the release of "Jaws of Elk", the final series of the "Canadian Trilogy", took place.
