Natalia Timakova: Biography And Personal Life

Natalia Timakova: Biography And Personal Life
Natalia Timakova: Biography And Personal Life

When it comes to a public figure, it can be very difficult to determine the concentration of reliable information and speculation. Much has been said and written about Natalia Aleksandrovna Timakova. Partly because she is a young and attractive woman. But most often her name is mentioned in connection with her professional activities. She currently holds the position of press secretary in the Government of the Russian Federation.

Natalia Timakova
Natalia Timakova

A girl originally from Kazakhstan

Circumstances developed in such a way that Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova was born in Alma-Ata. The girl was born on April 12, 1975. This is not an accident, but a logical sequence of life circumstances. Timakova's parents lived and worked at an aviation enterprise in the Moscow region. But the grandfather on the mother's side held a responsible position in the Ministry of Energy of the Kazakh SSR. When it was time to give birth, Natasha's mother went to her parents.

Natalia Timakova grew up and was brought up in a family of technical intelligentsia. The school cultivated directions in mathematics and physics. And the child from an early age gravitated towards humanitarian knowledge. The girl easily memorized poems, foreign words and expressions. With age, it became clear that the work of an engineer or researcher did not appeal to her at all. And you need to focus her on a humanitarian career. Both in word and in deed - to finish the tenth grade Natasha went to the Alma-Ata school, where she studied humanitarian subjects in depth. In the future, such educational institutions began to be called gymnasiums.

Young Timakova successfully mastered the basics of rhetoric, philosophy and economics. I learned the Kazakh language easily, without much effort. After completing her studies at school, she returned to her parents and applied to the Philosophy Faculty of the Moscow Humanitarian University. Lomonosov to get a decent education. And again, study was easy for the student. In 1995, quite by accident, I decided to try my hand at journalism. According to a newspaper ad, she came and was accepted as a trainee in the editorial office of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets".

Working with the President

The biography of many journalists begins with writing short notes for the district newspaper. Natalia Timakova has developed a taste and love to work with words since her school years. She received excellent practice as a columnist and analyst while participating in the 1996 presidential election campaign. She saw with her own eyes how the political elite lives, what criteria it is guided by and how it fights for its “place in the sun”. After the election, Timakova was eagerly invited to various news agencies and editorial offices.

In 1999, Natalya Timakova took part in writing a book about V. V. Putin. In this context, it is important to note that she coped with the assigned cases successfully and in a timely manner. After the 2000 elections, she was offered a position in the presidential administration. The workload on the energetic worker has increased many times over. She had to administer the activities of the controlled media, oversee the creation of films, television programs and other information products. Since 2008, when Dmitry Medvedev was elected President of the Russian Federation, Timakova has been working only with him.

And today Natalya Timakova holds the post of press secretary under the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. If you evaluate her personal life, then you can get off with a few general phrases. She is married to Alexander Budberg. The husband and wife were legally married in 2005. Alexander is also a professional journalist, but in recent years he has been working in the banking sector. There are no children yet.
