Armen Sumbatovich Gasparyan: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Armen Sumbatovich Gasparyan: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Armen Sumbatovich Gasparyan: Biography, Career And Personal Life

It is very difficult for a modern person to navigate the stormy stream of news. In this regard, psychologists even invented certain addictions and diseases that affect the psyche that is unstable to external influences. In such a situation, there are several ways to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the Internet and TV. Experts recommend watching and listening to the programs of the journalist who inspires sympathy and trust. Armen Sumbatovich Gasparyan has his own audience.

Armen Gasparyan
Armen Gasparyan

Starting conditions

The development of information technology in the past 50 years has changed the usual way of life in civilized countries. Russian citizens still cannot develop immunity to the influence of the information environment. Armen Sumbatovich Gasparyan was born on July 4, 1975 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in Moscow. The child grew up and was brought up in a friendly environment. There was a TV in the house, and the boy regularly watched children's programs. None of the household felt the information overload.

Gasparyan's biography developed like that of most of his peers. The boy did well at school. Already in elementary school, he showed interest in history and geography. I got along with my classmates. On the street, I did not give myself offense. He knew well how his friends live and what goals they set for themselves in life. He was early addicted to reading and regularly visited the library. After graduating from school, Aremen decided to get a journalism education and entered Moscow State University. In 1996 he received a diploma and entered the labor market with it.

It is important to note that in the 1990s, Russian society was going through hard times. The old methods and criteria were breaking down. The new ones took root with difficulty. On the advice of his senior comrades, certified journalist Armen Gasparyan began to analyze the political situation in the country and the world. Then there were heated debates about whether the country has the right to its own path or whether Russia should follow in the wake of European development. The infamous 1998 default cooled some hotheads, but the problem remained unresolved.

On a patriotic wave

At one time Gasparyan did not spend his time in libraries in vain. His career as a columnist began at the Yunost radio station. He not only demonstrates deep knowledge of the past of the Soviet Union, but also very skillfully presents information to listeners. In a short period of time, the presenter has formed a target audience, with which he regularly discusses pressing issues. Work brings Armen not only pleasure, but also forms a certain mood among radio listeners.

Gasparyan is invited to the Mayak radio station, where he acts as an expert. In the series "The Great Battles of the Great War," he talks about previously unknown episodes and participants. After a while, the journalist starts his blog on the Internet and publishes his materials without any censorship. Armen pays much attention to the history of the white movement during the Civil War. He gives information skillfully, but does not disclose the reasons that allowed the Reds to win.

Love for historical research translates into writing serious research. In recent years, books have been published about the activities of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, about the collapse of the Russian Empire, about the heroes of the White Guards. Gasparyan's personal life is covered with a veil of secrecy. According to the stories of his acquaintances, he has no wife. The name of the mistress is unknown. The journalist is in no hurry to get the status of her husband.
