Is It Possible To Be Baptized Into Fasting

Is It Possible To Be Baptized Into Fasting
Is It Possible To Be Baptized Into Fasting

For an Orthodox believer, the words of the Savior Jesus Christ himself are of particular importance. In the Gospel, Christ commands the apostles about the need to preach throughout the world and perform the sacrament of baptism. Therefore, even from the time of the Apostles, every Christian believer with special reverence approached the sacrament of entering the Church - holy baptism.

Is it possible to be baptized into fasting
Is it possible to be baptized into fasting

Among the seven Orthodox church sacraments, the sacrament of baptism occupies a special place. This is the first sacred rite that a person begins who wants to unite with Christ by entering the Church. In the sacrament of baptism, a person is spiritually born, born for eternal life. The newly baptized one is granted grace that sanctifies human nature.

The sacrament of baptism can be received both in infancy and in adulthood. The only difference is that when babies are baptized, it is desirable to have godparents who are capable of consciously making vows before God for a child.

Currently, some literature and publications suggest specific dates or even entire periods during which baptism may or may not be accepted. Sometimes among people who are not practicing Christians, there is a belief that it is forbidden to accept the sacrament of baptism during many days of fasting or fasting days (Wednesdays and Fridays).

The Orthodox Church does not support such conclusions. There are no dates in the canon of the Orthodox Church suggesting a ban on the performance of the sacrament of baptism. This position is quite logical, because in baptism a person is combined with God, and if there is a desire to devote his life to good and to renounce Satan, then the Church cannot prevent a person from such a good intention. Thus, the sacrament of holy baptism can be performed on any day.

Now it is worth mentioning separately about the modern practice of baptism in Orthodox churches. In large cathedrals, for example, this sacrament can be performed every day. In small settlements where one priest serves, the ordinance of baptism is most often performed in the church on Sundays or Saturdays. However, this does not mean the prohibition of baptism on another day, in particular during fasting. This is just a practice that may vary from temple to temple.

The sacrament of baptism may not be performed in churches on the days of Easter, the twelve or patronal feasts, during Passion Week of Great Lent. However, this also indicates only the practice that the baptism in this temple is performed on other days, let's say "according to the schedule."

It is worth noting that in case of emergency, the priest has no right to refuse a person in need of baptism. In addition, there is a practice of performing this saving ordinance not only in temples, but also at home. In particular, seriously ill people are baptized at home. At the same time, any day of baptism can be chosen, regardless of whether there is a fast or not.

It turns out that the sacrament of baptism may well be performed during fasting both in church and at home, because there are no statutory indications for the days when this sacred rite is prohibited.