In London on July 5, on the eve of the 2012 Olympics, the grand opening of The Shard, the tallest building in the European Union, took place. The skyscraper is 310 meters high, built on the south bank of the Thames near Tower Bridge.

The 97-storey skyscraper, designed by the Italian Renzo Piano in 2000, according to the architect's idea, should reflect the spirit of a dynamically developing and constantly changing city.
The London skyscraper is a pyramidal tower made of steel and glass. No wonder its name The Shard in translation means "Shards" - the light is refracted against the glass of the building and creates the feeling of a shattered crystal. More than 800 steel parts weighing more than 500 tons are used in the construction of the high-rise building.
By the time of opening, finishing work inside the building had not yet been completed. Commissioning of the skyscraper is planned only in 2013. Inside The Shard, premises are being prepared for offices, beauty salons, boutiques, grocery stores, restaurants and cafes, a 5-star hotel with 200 rooms from economy to luxury class. At the same time, in the offices of the building, according to an agreement with investors from Asia, who financed 95% of the project, there will be no firms engaged in the production or sale of alcoholic beverages, as well as companies associated with the gambling business.
In addition to the shopping and entertainment center, the skyscraper will also house exclusive apartments - elite housing worth $ 50-80 million each apartment. The layout of the premises, their furnishing and decoration are made according to individual projects.
An observatory will soon open in London's glass tower, and the tallest observation deck in England will open on the 69th floor in February 2013. The admission price has already been announced - £ 25. It will be possible to get into the skyscraper any day, while it is almost impossible for tourists to get into many high-rise buildings in London.
To date, not all high-rise premises are ready. It will take another six months to complete the finishing and repairs.