Anatoly Abramov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Anatoly Abramov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Anatoly Abramov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Abramov Anatoly Mikhailovich - a Cossack by birth and spirit, who became a literary critic. He went through the Great Patriotic War. He helped young, including repressed, writers. When he was 83, he wrote a poem about Yermak. His whole life consisted of work and truth.

Anatoly Abramov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Anatoly Abramov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

From biography

The small homeland of Anatoly Mikhailovich Abramov, born in 1917, is the village of Kachalinskaya. According to one version, this place is the birthplace of Ermak. From childhood, the boy showed a craving for drawing, so he, a fourteen-year-old teenager, was sent to Saratov to study at an art school, where he liked discussions about art, about Mayakovsky and Yesenin.

Then he became a student-philologist at the Saratov Pedagogical Institute. Before the war, A. Abramov studied in graduate school in Moscow. During the war he was on the Karelian front, later he worked in a divisional newspaper. Once he was on the front lines when the battle began. The officers were killed, and Abramov had to command the fighters. He was concussed, and then he could not fly on airplanes.


The story with the "chieftain"

Once the mischievous boys, among whom was Tolya, ended up in one solid house. The hostess treated them to steamed corn cobs and milk, then took them to the library. The woman gave the boys books and told them to come again. The guys didn't know who she was. At home, the mother, seeing the books, began to ask where they were from. It turned out that this woman's husband was the chieftain, whom the Reds had killed. Mother, crying, said that they went where it was not necessary. So for 4 years, ten-year-old Anatoly read almost the entire ataman's library, and when he became an adult, he shared these memories with the writer A. Tvardovsky. It's scary when life separates people. But the nation must not lose its unity. To write about this, in Tvardovsky's opinion, is to “cement the country”.


Literary critical creativity

For many poets, A. Abramov's support was very significant. The critic admired the camp poems of A. Zhigulin, who returned from Kolyma. A. Abramov was not afraid to publish his poems, he was the first to write about him. He recommended Zhigulin to the Writers' Union. The same situation was with the poet A. Prasolov. In the Abramov house, the lines of many poets have always sounded. A. Abramov wrote over 200 works:



At Voronezh University, after working for 56 years, he became his legend. For students, he remained in the memory of a wonderful lecturer and teacher. One of the students, Diana Berestovskaya, recalled how A. Abramov enthusiastically read them Soviet literature and how he told her in parting that she needed to publish and defend herself. And the girl fulfilled the order of the professor.


Poetic creativity

Lyrical activity of A. M. Abramov is divided into two periods, between which the interval is almost 30 years. Few of the pre-war poems have survived.

The second period is characterized by confession and depth, honesty and courage. His poems have always kept pace with the events that took place in the country. We can say that he was the successor of his main idol - V. Mayakovsky.


The history of writing a poem about Yermak

A. Abramov was a tireless worker in his business. The creative potential of this person can be judged by such an event. At the age of 83, he conceived a poem about Yermak. And it was written! And this despite the fact that the last two decades he had serious health problems. He held on due to incredible efforts: he did exercises, drenched himself, followed a diet.

The hero of the poem

It is known from history that slaves, tired of serfdom, came running to the Don. Yermak was also a Cossack. But love for Russia and the desire to take care of it remained. After all, there has always been a custom - to live for people. The merchants knew that the Cossacks were reliable guards. Ermak's squad decided to conquer Siberia. Tatar murzas wanted them to survive, frightened them with captivity, arson, and death. There were many valiant battles in which the Cossacks were tempered. But they did not want to be at enmity and waited for peace, although they understood that this was not the case. If you had to swim, the Cossacks swam, if you plow, they plowed. Ermak was listened to, he was respected. Donets mastered the Siberian land further and further. They are already on the Irtysh and Ob. The tests did not seem to end. The further into the wilderness, the stronger the enemy. And then they captured Mametkul himself - the son of Kuchum.


The conquest of Siberia - this was the news brought by the Cossacks to the tsar. Moscow met them with the ringing of bells. This glorious victory, along with the victories of Alexander Nevsky, remained for centuries.

But the Murza did not calm down. Ermak's friend, Ivan Koltso, died. Once the Cossacks spent the night without putting up the guards. No one then believed in the death of the chieftain. And for a long time a cry-groan sounded in his squad. And I still can't believe it now. This person seems to be simple, but at the same time - a miracle. The image of Yermak is still an example for the living, an example of helping the Motherland. To love your homeland like this Cossack, and give everything for it - it was so in Russia and so it is in Russia.

From personal life

Anatoly met his future wife Antonina when he was studying at the pedagogical institute. The girl left to teach in the Volga region. Then he brought his beloved to Bryansk, where they celebrated a modest wedding. His wife Antonina Timofeevna Abramova was an assistant in his affairs. She protected him from household chores, participated in dialogues about literature, in some cases was an opponent critic.


Son … father?

When A. Abramov died in 2005, his son-physicist Alexander became sad without the literary atmosphere of his father's house. He began to read literary books. It was then that he had the desire to write himself.


A. Abramov is a man of the Soviet era, deeply devoted to literature, not looking for a warm place, for example, in Moscow. For many years he struggled with the disease, but did not stop working. Glory found him herself - he became famous.
