The forest is the lungs of the planet. This is how modern ecologists express themselves figuratively. Ivan Sovetnikov supports this point of view. And not only supports, but is engaged in the protection and restoration of forests in the Moscow region.

Starting conditions
There were times when in our country people from childhood were taught to take care of the surrounding nature and especially the forest. For many centuries, birch and oak forests served as a habitat for Homo sapiens. Ivan Vasilievich Sovetnikov heads the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region. The functions assigned to this state structure have long been defined and time-tested. In the current chronological period, there is a certain adjustment of priorities when performing the assigned tasks.

The future head of the forestry of the Moscow region was born on March 25, 1982 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in Moscow. My father worked as a lawyer in the road construction department. Mother taught foreign languages at the university. The boy grew and developed, not standing out in any way among his peers. I studied well at school. He actively participated in social events. I did sports. When the time came to choose a profession, Ivan, on the advice of his father, decided to get a law degree and entered Moscow State University.

Practical activities
After graduating in 2004, Sovetnikov began his career as a lawyer as an expert in the Legal Department of the Central Election Commission. The electoral mechanism has been operating in Russia for many years, but gaps and "white spots" in the interpretation of certain episodes remained. The young specialist had to immerse himself in the problem and find the optimal solution, relying on precedents in international practice. Three years later, an already experienced specialist was invited to the post of head of a department at the Ministry of Territorial Affairs of the Moscow Region.

Sovetnikov's professional career developed successfully. In 2010, he was appointed head of the legal department of the Federal Forestry Agency. In this position, Ivan Vasilyevich had to delve into the subtleties and nuances of the functioning of the forest industry. He regularly traveled to famous farms that are engaged in the restoration of green spaces. Evaluated the effectiveness of fire-prevention measures and techniques. Periodically arising conflicts between various departments, he gave qualified legal assessments.

Recognition and privacy
In the spring of 2017, Sovetnikov was appointed head of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region. By this time, he already had the necessary experience in managing such structures. Over the past period, the number of fires in forest areas has noticeably decreased. The area of forest plantations has increased.
The personal life of Ivan Vasilyevich is developing within the framework of existing traditions. He is legally married. The husband and wife are raising and raising two children.