What Is The Structure Of The Political System

What Is The Structure Of The Political System
What Is The Structure Of The Political System

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Political system - a set of interactions of various subjects associated with the exercise of political power. The political system consists of various elements and exists due to their interaction.

What is the structure of the political system
What is the structure of the political system


Step 1

The political system can be structured on various grounds. So, its elements are distinguished on the basis of different political roles (or functions) of the subjects. These are, in particular, socializing, adapting, regulating, extraction, distributive, and reactive functions.

Step 2

According to the institutional approach, the structure of the political system changes based on the allocation of needs, which serves a particular institution. So, the purpose of the state is to represent public interests, parties express the interests of certain classes and social groups.

Step 3

The most widespread in political science is a systematic approach. Within its framework, an institutional, normative and communicative subsystem is distinguished. Together they form an integral political system. The institutional (or organizational) system is of key importance in the political system. It includes a set of state and non-state institutions and norms that affect the political life of society. The decisive place in the political system belongs to the state, which concentrates power and material resources in its hands, has the right to coercion to its will, and also distributes values in society. In addition to the state, the institutional subsystem includes political and non-political institutions: political parties, lobbying groups, civil society, the media, the church, etc.

Step 4

The normative subsystem includes socio-political and legal norms that regulate political life and the process of exercising political power. This includes traditions and customs, basic values that exist in society, i.e. all that on which the institutions of power rely in the performance of their roles. The normative subsystem can be subdivided into formal and informal components. Formal includes the norms of constitutional, administrative and financial law; it defines the key rules of the game in society. The informal aspect is expressed through a set of subcultures, mentality, priority values, beliefs and standards. It is often singled out as part of a separate cultural subsystem. It is important for the functioning of the political system, since the more homogeneous a society is on a cultural basis, the higher the efficiency of the work of political institutions.

Step 5

Relying on formal and informal norms, political actors interact, i.e. into communication between each other. In the course of political communication, messages are exchanged that are important for the course of politics. Distinguish between "horizontal" and "vertical" communication. In the first case, communications are carried out between subjects who are at the same level in the social ladder. For example, between elites or ordinary citizens. In the second case, we are talking about communications between various elements of the political system. For example, between citizens and political parties. Communication functions can be performed by the media, the Internet and other information channels: for example, personal contacts between people.