Society And Its Structure

Society And Its Structure
Society And Its Structure

It is customary to consider society and its structure through its main spheres - economic, legal, political, cultural, social. All these spheres are closely interconnected, and social relations, and processes, and social dynamics, and mobility are built on these bonds.

Society and its structure
Society and its structure

What is society

In a broad sense, society is a kind of community, a common life of people, as well as a world of various social phenomena. This is a form of being, which is characterized by purposeful joint activities of people who create a system of socio-cultural phenomena that are different from the natural world.

In a narrow sense, society is a self-sufficient social group of people, which has the ability to various self-activity.

The structure of society

The structure of society is the structure of society, its structure, which is characterized by the interaction of its different parts. The main unit of society is a person (a group of people or a certain class).

The social structure is characterized by the organization of society as an integral system, as well as the order of actions of different social groups.

The structure of society is determined by groups of people in relation to management and power. The largest of them are the state and civil society. The state is a social institution that is designed to organize and manage society in the interests of various social groups and classes. This government is carried out with the help of a special class of people - the state apparatus. Civil society - social and ethnic groups, naturally emerging classes, individuals who are united by various kinds of social relations and non-political ties. Civil society is the basis of the process of democratization and the rule of law in principle.

Social groups fully realize themselves mainly in the political sphere, which, in turn, concentrates the social one. Thus, politics is a reflection of the correlation of social forces, through which the social needs of a person are also considered. It is generally accepted that politics is the main bond of social relations, because it differs from other spheres of activity of subjects of activity and relations that occur in it.

For modern social sciences, the most important issue is understanding the relationship between society and the state through relations of subordination. That is, whether the state is part of society, or whether they are identical.
