What Is The Difference Between A Village And A Village?

What Is The Difference Between A Village And A Village?
What Is The Difference Between A Village And A Village?

Villages and villages are perhaps the smallest settlements. At the same time, a village in Russia is an actual unit, which means that even a lonely house can be called a village. But what is the difference between a village and a village?

What is the difference between a village and a village?
What is the difference between a village and a village?


One of the main differences between the countryside and the countryside is the Church. A village or settlement can be a village only if a Church was built there. This rule was unshakable until the advent of the Bolsheviks. However, those, as we know, destroyed a large number of Churches.

Now this rule has been remembered again, so the restoration of churches is taking place. It was not possible to restore all the churches, and in some villages there are so few people that there is no one to restore them there. But it is precisely the presence of the Church in the settlement that makes it a village.

Territory and size

As for the village, it can be used to designate any territory where people live on a permanent basis. If in a small area there are several settlements with the size of several families, it can be called a village. Dozens of families live in villages, and hundreds of families live in large villages. There are villages with streets, while villages (even large ones) do not have more than three streets.

The word village comes from the term "yard", which proves at the linguistic level that at least one house is enough for a village. The village is a settlement, on the territory of which there are not only courtyards, but also manufacturing enterprises. For example, a sawmill, land, land or even processing companies.

There are also public places in the villages, including clinics, schools, clubs and others. Of course, all this is difficult to compare with the city in scope, but still there are several places for leisure in the villages. In the village there is not even this - schoolchildren have to go to the nearest villages in order to study.

How do villages turn into villages?

Villages in Russia usually appeared at the junctions of several small villages located close to each other. That is, there were 4-6 villages, and one of them (usually the largest) took up the creation of infrastructure. This led not only to an increase in the population, but also to the fact that many residents of the villages nearby came to the village. As a result, several villages can be combined into a village.

Today, the difference between villages and villages is rapidly diminishing, as are the names and number of streets in these settlements of the tsarist regime. The presence of one or more public places is still a determining factor, but the outflow of population has reduced the population of rural areas so much that there are now much fewer people there than in the countryside.


The difference between a village and a village is not so much in size as in the presence of certain objects. However, now it is not as important as it used to be - development trends are in such a way that in the near future the difference between these concepts will be erased, and the terms themselves may cease to exist.