How Islam Differs From Judaism

How Islam Differs From Judaism
How Islam Differs From Judaism

Controversy between representatives of Islam and Judaism arose with the emergence of Islam. And although these religions are in many ways close to each other, today Islam and Judaism are divided by different prejudices.

How Islam differs from Judaism
How Islam differs from Judaism

What is the essence of Islam

The Islamic religion is considered the youngest, based on faith in Divine Revelation and a prophetic message - it arose in the 7th century. The prophet Muhammad became the founder of Islam. According to Islam, the divine essence is of a monotheistic nature. God is the only creator of the universe. He is alone and incorporeal - the Islamic scripture asserts the Koran.

The foundations of Islam are: Monotheism, Divine justice, Prophecy, Holy Scripture, Day of Resurrection. Monotheism, belief in Allah or tawhid is the foundation of Islam. Faith in Allah is unshakable, his existence is undeniable. According to the Muslim religion, the world is based on the laws of justice. People are not equal - the main criterion of justice is human merit. Belief in prophecy implies belief in the messengers of God and the prophet Muhammad as the messenger of Allah to all mankind, to whom the Qur'an was transmitted. The scriptures were sent to the people by Allah through the prophets, but modern Muslim theologians deny any scriptures other than the Qur'an. Muslims also believe in the Day of Judgment - God's judgment, the destruction of the universe.

It is important to note that Islam presents Allah as a judge who punishes sinners and loves God-fearing Muslims. For Muslims, Jesus is one of the prophets; the Koran denies his divine essence.

Dogmatics of Judaism

Judaism, like Islam, is a monotheistic religion. Many theologians believe that Judaism originated with the creation of the world and man. There are eight main provisions in Judaism: about the Holy Books, about the Messiah, about Supernatural beings, about the afterlife, about the prophets, about the soul, about food prohibitions, about the Sabbath.

The most revered holy book in Judaism is the Torah. Also, the Jews revere the Tanakh and the Talmud. The main principle of Judaism is the recognition of one God. The principles of Judaism are as follows: God exists, he is one and eternal, communication with God is carried out through the prophets, the greatest prophet is Moses, God knows about all the actions of people, God punishes evil and rewards good, God will send his Messiah and raise the dead.

Differences between Islam and Judaism

The roots of Islam lie in the Jewish environment. Islam and Judaism have much in common in the field of dogmas and ceremonies. However, when Muhammad distanced himself from the Jews and his relationship with the Jews soured, Islam drifted away from Judaism. The dogmas remained largely similar, but the ceremonial began to differ significantly.

In Islam, unlike Judaism, Allah forgave Adam, therefore in Islam there is no original sin. Islam also denies free will, a true Muslim is obliged to completely obey Allah in order to avoid punishment. Judaism, although it says that salvation can be achieved by following God's laws, does not deny free will.

In Judaism, the historical exodus is considered proof of God's power. In Islam, the proof of the power of God lies in the Qur'an and the surrounding world. Jews have obligations to God, while Muslims are motivated only to avoid going to hell.