Vodennikov Dmitry Borisovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Vodennikov Dmitry Borisovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Vodennikov Dmitry Borisovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

According to some experts, it is not fashionable to engage in literary activity in Russia. It is much more interesting to be successful in business. Dmitry Vodennikov does not share this kind of maxim. He defends his views reasonably and consistently.

Dmitry Vodennikov
Dmitry Vodennikov

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Borisovich Vodennikov was born on December 22, 1968 in Moscow. He rarely remembers his family. Although he was loved and cherished. The father did little to raise his son. He spent most of his time at work, providing the material base of the cell of society. Mother taught literature and Russian at school. She largely influenced the character of her son and his worldview.

Dmitry learned to read early. From the first steps he caught the eye of poetry collections. He read everything that was at home on the bookshelves. The poems of Yevtushenko, Burns, Mayakovsky fit into his memory, without conflicting with each other. Vodennikov studied well at school. He did well in all subjects and in mathematics he had a solid A. Starting from the fifth grade, he attended a poetry studio, which operated at the house of pioneers. When the time came to choose a profession, Dima decided to get an education at the philological department of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute.


On a poetic wave

After the institute, Vodennikov taught literature at school for three years. He taught the lessons outside the box. I could bring a tape recorder to the class and listen to the rock opera "Juno and Avos" together with the students. The children liked such classes, but the administration was categorically against this form of presentation of educational material. After some hesitation, Dmitry left teaching and began to cooperate with the media. His author's programs on "Radio Russia" evoked a lively response from the listeners. Among the most demanded were "Own bell tower", "Sunday noodles", "Poetic minimum".

Following the principle of not a day without a line, Vodennikov did not lose his versification skills. The creativity of the non-standard poet was appreciated by readers, critics and envious people. Each category of these people left their feedback in the information field. It is interesting to note that after a sharply negative review in one of the social networks, the poet was invited to give a lecture at the University of Oxford. The famous poet did not lose ground under his feet. He willingly communicated with everyone who is interested in poetry.


Prospects and personal life

Dmitry continues to collaborate with prestigious newspapers and magazines. In the future, the poet intends to conduct a thematic program on one of the central channels. Current plans include the publication of several collections of poetry.

The poet's relationship with women is complicated. Dmitry tried several times to streamline his personal life. However, being a husband and wife is much more troublesome than just lovers.
