Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Scouts and secret agents of influence are never written about during their lifetime. Moreover, they never publish genuine materials. At the same time, the curious public is given the opportunity to read and re-read exciting novels based on real events. The intelligence of the Russian General Staff still appears to be an intangible phantom, although real characters are hiding behind these phantoms. Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov worked and fought in Soviet times. His heroic work serves as a model for future generations.

Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov
Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov

Son of the regiment

The events that unfolded on the territory of the Russian state after the First World War and the October Revolution will be an object of study for historians and sociologists for a long time to come. Not all the heroes of the war and large-scale construction projects managed to write their memoirs. Among the lucky ones, so to speak, is the name of Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov. A short biography of this man already in itself "pulls" on a solid detective novel. The thinking reader is given the opportunity to reflect on the material presented.

The personal data of any intelligence officer does not always correspond to reality. According to metric materials, the future scout and saboteur was born on July 20, 1907 in a peasant family. Parents lived in a village near Melitopol. Father worked as a miller, mother was engaged in housekeeping. From a young age, the child was taught to work and respect the elders. Pavel grew up as a smart guy and watched with his own eyes how his fellow villagers live, what they value and what goals they set for themselves in life.

Pavel managed to get his primary education at a parish school. The civil war changed the established way of life and each person had to adapt to new circumstances. In 1919, as a teenager, Sudoplatov "nailed" to one of the units of the Red Army. He was christened the son of the regiment and put on rations. From that time on, the boy's adult life began. The young man had to participate in hostilities and even be captured by the whites.

Scout and saboteur

At the end of 1920, Sudoplatov was transferred to a special department of the division. Here he mastered the work of a telephone operator, cipher clerk and clerk. The situation in the south of Ukraine was difficult. The unfinished gangs of White Guards and Makhnovists were operating on the territory. The frightened population did not want to cooperate with the Soviet authorities. Pavel knew the situation perfectly and performed the most difficult tasks. Thanks to his insight and energy, the young operative made a good career. In the early 1930s, he was transferred to Moscow.

The famous Soviet agent was trained in a special school and mastered Spanish and German. Sudoplatov was assigned to the foreign department of the NKVD. One of the brilliant operations carried out by the Soviet agent was the elimination of the leader of the Ukrainian nationalists in 1938. When the war began, Pavel Anatolyevich headed a special intelligence and sabotage department. The department has a large number of successful operations. After the war, Sudoplatov continued his service in intelligence.

After Stalin's death and the removal of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, the intelligence officer was arrested, tried and sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years. In August 1968, Sudoplatov was released and returned to Moscow. Here he began to restore his honest name. He wrote books. In 1992, he was fully acquitted. The scout's personal life was successful. He met Emma Koganova in 1928. It was love for life. Pavel Anatolyevich had no other women. The husband and wife raised two sons. Sudoplatov died in September 1996.