A talented person has to work hard to achieve the desired success. This statement is true for those who are engaged in science, and for those who write books and for those who sing songs from the stage. It is not difficult to become popular for a short period of time. It is much more difficult to prove your abilities and capabilities from year to year. Anatoly Semenovich Dneprov demonstrated the best qualities of a creative personality - efficiency, democracy, purposefulness.

Introduction to music
Every famous person constructs a biography for himself at his own discretion. The structure of this document changes depending on the current moment. Anatoly Dneprov did not deal with such trifles. I did not invent profitable plots in my life story. The fate of the famous singer and composer could have been different. Anatoly was born on April 1, 1947 in the family of a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Parents lived in Dnepropetrovsk. There have always been jobs for young people in this city at metallurgical enterprises.
Anatoly was prepared for an independent life according to long-established rules - to respect elders, to work conscientiously, not to deceive or steal. A child from an early age watched how people live in the neighborhood, what they value and what they strive for. Already at the age of five, the boy showed musical abilities. He easily and without assistance learned to pick up popular melodies on the accordion. At school, the future composer and singer studied well. After the eighth grade I entered the local technical school. Receiving a technical education, Anatoly devoted a lot of time and effort to amateur art activities.
After graduating from the technical school Dneprov entered the music school. He was immediately drafted into the army. The place of service of the novice performer was the Kiev Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army. The young man has learned a lot over the years of service. The experience gained was useful to him in the future. Returning to civilian life, Anatoly completed his studies at a music school and began to engage in creativity in all seriousness.
Professional activity
The career of a professional performer began with the creation of a vocal and instrumental ensemble. The young guys successfully toured the cities and towns of the Soviet Union. Dneprov very quickly realized that for sustainable results it was necessary to make a name for himself in Moscow. In this context, it should be noted that the capital at all times receives guests with traditional indifference. If you succeed, you will be on horseback. You will not achieve it - your problems. Anatoly Semenovich Dneprov overcame all the obstacles that arose.
Together with talented poets, the composer Dneprov creates songs that are included in the repertoire of famous Soviet performers. Anatoly himself does not stop his concert activity. He is already known in all corners of the vast Motherland. The singer is famous and loved. But something is missing for complete happiness. And in 1979 Dneprov moved to the USA. There, in a foreign country, everything seems to be going according to plan. He was recognized. Reputable producers sign contracts with him for cooperation. And so, in 1987 Anatoly returned to his native land.
The personal life of the famous composer and singer has developed firmly. Anatoly met his wife upon arrival in Moscow. Olga wrote poetry, Anatoly wrote music. Love did not arise immediately, but forever. The husband and wife raised and raised three children. Anatoly Dneprov died suddenly in 2008.