Educational Ideas And Biography Of Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Educational Ideas And Biography Of Anton Semenovich Makarenko
Educational Ideas And Biography Of Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Anton Semenovich Makarenko is a Russian teacher and writer. He took an active part in pedagogical searches in the mid-20s of the 20th century. Rethought the pedagogical heritage. Created a teaching on the methodology of the educational process. His works were a good teaching tool for young teachers.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko
Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Anton Semenovich Makarenko is an outstanding Russian teacher and writer. His scientific works are devoted to the methodology of organizing the educational process, the basic requirements for the personality of the teacher. Anton Makarenko was born on March 1, 1888. The place of his birth is the small town of Belopole in the Kharkov province. Anton was brought up in the family of a simple worker, where besides him there were two more children. The painter's income was relatively small, so the family's life was rather difficult. However, the parents were determined to give their son a good education.

In 1895, Anton entered the Belopolskaya school, and then the Kremenchug school, which he graduated with honors. In 1905, Anton Semenovich received a document on the completion of pedagogical courses and the title of a teacher in primary schools. In the same year, he left Belopillya for Posad Kryukov and began working as a teacher.

Despite full employment, Anton decides to continue his pedagogical education and enters the Poltava Teachers' Institute. In 1916, he had to interrupt his studies, Anton was enrolled in the tsarist army. However, due to myopia, he was fired, and Anton Semenovich returned to the institute. His outlook and great desire to study made it possible to graduate from the institute first in academic performance. The teacher received a gold medal.

A. S. Makarenko's pedagogical career

After graduating from the Poltava Teachers' Institute, Anton Semenovich Makarenko was appointed to the post of school director in Kryukov, then took over the leadership of the children's colony named after Gorky near Poltava. In 1928 he began to work at the Dzerzhinsky Children's Commune in Kharkov. In July 1935, Makarenko became assistant to the head of the department of labor colonies of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR. Three years later, he moved to Moscow, where he began his socio-political and literary activities.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko becomes famous thanks to his composition "Pedagogical Poem", which is a classic for many teachers. He penned several works on the methodology of educational work, the organization of labor and recreation of children: "Flags on the Towers", "Book for Parents". For merits in teaching, Anton Semenovich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Makarenko's pedagogical activities were often criticized both by the public and by the Soviet authorities. He was often credited with assault, which later became the reason for his dismissal from the children's commune and removal from teaching practice.

Shortly before his death, Anton Semenovich begins work on the script for the film "Flags on the Tower". However, the Gorky Film Studio refused to accept the script. This greatly affected the health of the writer. In April 1939, Makarenko died suddenly in a suburban train carriage. As you know, he went to the House of Creativity with a revised script for his film.

Educational ideas of Makarenko

Working in a children's labor colony named after Gorky gave Anton Semenovich the opportunity to look differently at the process of raising and educating children. He believed that every child should be brought up in a team, he should have several favorite subjects. A child cannot be developed in everything, but he will begin to study his favorite subjects with pleasure.

Makarenko opposed the use of elements of the prison regime for children. He believed that children should be kept without any framework and restrictions. In his teaching practice, he adhered to the principle: "As much as possible requirements for a person and as much respect for him as possible."

Makarenko's doctrine ran counter to the established command-administrative control system. His views contradicted Stalin's understanding of education. Stalin's ideas were based on the upbringing of a person who obeyed the requirements of the state. Makarenko also advocated the education of an independent and active personality.

Anton Semenovich believed that the family plays a huge role in the upbringing of children, so he wrote an essay for parents, in which he substantiated some of the requirements for family upbringing. In the "Book for Parents" Makarenko gave advice on how to raise a child at work, help children in their studies, and strengthen their friendship with comrades.

Currently, Makarenko's educational ideas have become classics in modern pedagogical science.