Beowulf: Summary By Chapters

Beowulf: Summary By Chapters
Beowulf: Summary By Chapters

Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic poem. This is the first work in English. It is believed that it was created at the end of the seventh or early eighth century. The poem has survived in a single copy.


Despite doubts about its authenticity, the poem is recognized as the only epic European work that has survived in full. The text was composed several centuries before it was recorded by an unknown bard. The manuscript dates back to the eighth century, and the events in the poem take place in the fifth century.

Construction features

The main plot has long been popular. Long before the appearance of the manuscript, the British Isles were inhabited by the Celts. The Scandinavians who captured them brought not only their own language, but also folklore and traditions. Scientists have proven that there is a similar plot in Scandinavian art. It appeared long before the landing of the Germanic tribes on the English coast.

The essay was written in poetic form. However, the song does not fully correspond to traditional poetic canons. Like the rest of the early Middle Ages, Beowulf presents a ballad. The composition was recorded in such a way that it was easier for the performers to memorize a huge number of lines. The specificity of the sound is lost with the translation and in the summary.

The song form was made up of couplets. But they are not found in early writings. The proof is Beowulf. The text contains over three thousand lines. They are not interrupted by anything, they are not separated. Alliteration was used for convenience by the singers. The technique involves the use of a phonetic system with repetition of percussion sounds and pauses. Alliteration is present in every line of creation. Reading the original in Old English will introduce you to the approach to song composition. The role of voice modulations and reading tempo is extremely important for the melody.

The song about Beowulf met the needs of a medieval feast. The average public of that time was interested in legends about valor, battles in which evil was defeated. The story is based on the exploits of the Scandinavian warrior Beowulf. The listeners' attention is focused on battles with mythical monsters.

Beowulf: a summary by chapters
Beowulf: a summary by chapters

There are three battles in total. The first two follow each other, glorifying the strength of the main character. This technique is unusual for the genre.

The structure of the poem

Much attention is paid to the character of the warrior and his behavior outside the battle. The final battle tells the story of a heroic death. This end of life is typical of the Scandinavian epic. It contains many mythological creatures and victories against them. There are also a number of themes uncharacteristic of the epos of the Middle Ages. This is noticeable in the descriptions of the battles and, especially, in the end of the poem. Such a find makes an already one-of-a-kind composition unique.

The work is divided into chapters based on the song structure. It, in turn, consists of three parts. The first Anglo-Saxon epic contains details that are not inherent in British culture. So, the plot is completely Scandinavian. This alone places the work on a special place in a number of epic poems in Western Europe.

Against the background of the constant struggle of evil and good with the constant victory of good, regardless of the price of victory, typical features of Scandinavian folklore can be traced:

  • treasures are important;
  • weapons and armor are always in focus;
  • the strength of both heroes and antiheroes is necessarily praised;
  • there is a duality in relation to neighbors. They want to help in trouble, but at the same time they are ready to attack at the most inopportune time.

As in other epics, Beowulf celebrates the dexterity of the warriors. To simplify retelling, the essay is divided into five parts:

  • Exposition.
  • Battle with Grendel.
  • The battle with his mother.
  • Fight with the dragon.
  • Conclusion.
Beowulf: a summary by chapters
Beowulf: a summary by chapters

Taking into account the song form of the composition, the summary is divided into parts due to the large volume of the poem. Introduction About two hundred lines are devoted to the introduction and acquaintance with the situation and the characters. In the first stanzas, the author tells about the great rulers of antiquity.

The Danish kings were replaced by Hrothgar. Under his leadership, the kingdom flourished even more. The ruler built a gigantic banquet hall, and the soldiers celebrated there. The swamp monster Grendel awoke from the noise, angry with concern. The monster began to destroy the squad, coming every night. From now on, the hall looked more like a crypt, songs and fun died down in it.

Hrothgar regretted the losses, but did not dare to ask those who were served to fight the cruel monster, remembering his strength. The news of the disasters that had befallen the Danes reached King Higelaka, ruler over Gaut. His nephew Beowulf volunteered to help Hrothgar. The warrior gathered a squad and set sail.

Arriving at the Danish shores, he went to the court of the king. People were amazed to become and the strength of the warriors, they believed in help. Many lines are devoted to the description of the weapons of the squad and Beowulf. These attributes are honored by the author throughout the entire composition.

Fighting the monster

Due to the bulk of the content, the battle with Grendel can be divided into two parts. The Danes, seeing the arrivals, believed in the happy outcome of the battle. Hrothgar heard about the exploits of the mighty warrior. He promised Beowulf everything that the winner himself asked. Unfert, who envied the arriving Gaut, predicts the death of Beowulf in a duel. The young warrior responds with dignity, not believing in the prediction.

Beowulf: a summary by chapters
Beowulf: a summary by chapters

The feast ends early. The squad remains in the hall to wait for Grendel. The monster bursts in at night. Beowulf lunges at the monster and grabs it by the paw. During the long battle, the gout did not loosen his grip. After an awkward movement of the weakened monster, Beowulf deprives him of his paw. Grendel returns to the swamp, where he dies. Gaut is praised, rich gifts are brought, thanks.

The feast begins. However, the celebration is interrupted by the appearance of the monster's mother. She grabs Advisor Hrothgar. She drags the victim with her.

A new battle

In dire circumstances, the king again asks for help. Beowulf chases the monster, donning heavy armor and armed with an ancient sword. All day the warrior sinks to the bottom. He is unharmed near Grendel's house.

The angry mother of the monster attacks the warrior. Lunges do not harm tough hide. Beowulf destroys the monster with a single blow of the sword.

A few days later, the warrior is realized to the surface. Against the background of general rejoicing, the ruler composes a song about the mighty Gaut and promises that Beowulf's exploits will never be forgotten. In Scandinavian legends, glorious heroes rarely live to old age. The main goal of a warrior is to die in battle, to guarantee a place in Valhalla.

Beowulf: a summary by chapters
Beowulf: a summary by chapters

After numerous battles, Beowulf takes the throne of Higelak. The country under his rule is flourishing. The king guards the safety of his subjects.

Not far from the royal court, a treasure was found guarded by a sleeping dragon. An unlucky passer-by takes the cup. The watchman senses theft. He wakes up and attacks neighboring settlements. Beowulf learns about the winged serpent. He orders the armor to be prepared and prepares for the final battle.

The last battle

With a guide in the face of an unlucky thief, the king with a small detachment goes to meet fate and summons the snake to battle. The warriors flee in fear, leaving the ruler with only the young Wiglaf. The old warrior's strength is running out, but he strikes the dragon.

The king is wounded. With his last strength, he finishes off the snake, but he himself dies. Beowulf thanks the gods and bequeaths the throne to Wiglaf. A saddened successor tries unsuccessfully to revive the king.

The squad is returning. Wiglaf chastises them for their shameful flight. He reports that such behavior will not bring happiness to the people. The former ruler can no longer protect them. The new ruler foresees battles with neighbors awaiting the death of the king. The people are saddened by the departure of the ruler.

Beowulf: a summary by chapters
Beowulf: a summary by chapters

At his will, a burial ritual is carried out and a mound is poured over the body, visible to sailors mooring to the shores.
